- 2024
New Orleans labor movement marches to end to attacks on workers
Tampa students, community members march against diversity cutbacks
Minnesota: Protest demands BAE systems leave Maple Grove
Police Kill Again in Fullerton, CA
LSU Students Rally for Trans Day of Visibility
Crisis, tariffs, trade and the decline of U.S. imperialism
FRSO, WI: Nearly 50,000 in Wisconsin cast protest votes against Biden, for Palestine
UAW 4121 rallies for a strong contract
Milwaukee judge rules against city and Police Association on releasing footage of critical incidents
Philippines: Party directs NPA to carry out tactical offensives, frustrate U.S.-Marcos regime’s war of terror
University of Minnesota student referendum demanding divestment from apartheid Israel passes
Protesters flood Portland’s bridges for Land Day march
Tucson rallies at Air Force base demanding: Hands off Syria! End U.S. aid to Israel!
Tampa students demand justice for Nex Benedict
New Orleans takes to the streets to celebrate trans existence and trans resistance
Denver Anti-War Action kicks off anti-Lockheed Martin campaign in solidarity with Palestine
Minneapolis protesters occupy intersection for Palestinian Land Day
Chicago commemorates Land Day with Palestine protest
Dallas Groups Condemn Texas Governor Targeting of Palestinian Students
UPS to close 200 hubs, cut Teamster jobs
3rd Angelversary of David Ordaz Jr Rally at East LA Sheriff’s Station
Colorado Springs vigil honors Palestinian martyrs
Historic Boyle Heights victory against gentrification: East LA Planning Commission approves appeal against Tiao Corporation development
Progressives demand “U.S. hands off South Africa!”
Colorado Palestine Coalition protests Demfest over U.S./Israeli genocide
Tallahassee Firefighters negotiations drag on
Portland activists blast genocide in Gaza
DC protests Israeli official at U.S. State Department
Tallahassee holds vigil to honor murdered trans Oklahoma teen
Red Reviews: “Socialism, Utopian and Scientific”
Minnesota interfaith rally, 22-mile walk, for Palestine demands divestment
Minneapolis: Rally against polluting foundry in East Phillips
Tacoma community holds vigil at Northwest Detention Center for 12th consecutive day
Chicago: Protesters sue city for right to protest genocide in Palestine
Tacoma: 24-hour vigil and encampment in response to death at ICE detention center
Seattle protests killer cop escaping charges for death of pedestrian
New Orleans rally demands dropping the charges against activist Felix Allen
PFLP denounces the pursuit and arrest of activists by some Arab regimes on the grounds of their mobilization for Gaza
NYC home attendants demand an end to 24-hour workdays!
Tacoma High schoolers rally for Rafah