Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Striking King Soopers workers on the picket line.

Denver, CO – Early in the morning of February 6, grocery store workers at 77 King Soopers locations represented by United Food Commercial Workers Local 7 went on strike.

After months of little progress in negotiations with the billion dollar parent company, Kroger, the members have overwhelmingly voted to go on strike to fight for a contract that meets their demands.


By staff

 Protest against Trump agenda in Denver.

Denver CO – On February 5, Denver students walked out in protest of the mass deportations. Hundreds of Chicano and Latino students marched to the Colorado State Capitol and rallied on the west steps, chanting “El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!” and demanding an end to the terror being unleashed on immigrants. This terror has taken the form of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids, many of which were taking place simultaneously in Aurora and around Denver.


By staff

A group of protesters holding a banner

Denver, CO – On Monday, January 20, Denver held its annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day “Marade” – a combination march and parade. Despite single-digit temperatures, roughly 600 people showed up to honor the legacy of Dr. King.


By staff

Thornton, CO – On December 20, Teamsters from the Denver area showed up for another solidarity picket at Amazon’s DEN3 warehouse in Thornton, Colorado.


By staff

Denver Human Rights Day protest against the genocide in Gaza.

Denver, CO – On December 10, 50 people marched in downtown Denver in honor of Human Rights Day and to condemn Colorado’s complicity with the genocide in Gaza. The event was organized by the Denver Anti-War Action (DAWA) in coordination with a national call to action made by the Anti-War Action Network.


By staff

Flight attendants rally in Denver, CO

Denver, CO – On December 11, members of the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) at Frontier Airlines held a rally outside of the Frontier headquarters in Denver. Flight attendants have been in mediation with the companies that refused to meet members' demands. American and Southwest Airlines flight attendants got their contracts, while Alaskan Airlines attendants voted down their proposed contract. Frontier and United have been in mediation with the AFA for more than six months.


By staff

Palestine march at Cherry Creek Shopping Center Denver.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Denver, CO – On Friday, November 29, approximately 200 people gathered at James N. Manley Park in Denver for a rally and march in recognition of International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is an annual UN-recognized observance that calls for sovereignty for the Palestinians as well as freedom from Israeli occupation. In the U.S., this there were protests against the U.S. government’s continued support of the Israeli occupation and its crimes against Palestine, especially the ongoing genocide in Gaza where over 40,000 people have been massacred.

After listening to speeches from organizations leading the march, protesters took to the streets and marched around the Cherry Creek Shopping Center.

Due to Black Friday, the Cherry Creek shopping center was busier than usual. While protesters were marching outside, several dozen activists started a disruption inside the mall with chanting, signs and Palestine flags. Many shoppers joined in the chanting and some even joined the march as it left the mall and joined the larger demonstration outside. Once outside, the march continued back to the park, stopping along the way for more speeches.

“Students have a long history of fighting alongside those resisting oppression,” said Lucia Feast, an organizer with Students for a Democratic Society, “We have fought with those resisting the Vietnam War, and demanded divestment from apartheid South Africa. Today we continue this liberation struggle by standing with Palestine!”

The message from protesters was clear: there will be no business as usual while the United States continues to aid the genocidal Israeli occupation.

#DenverCO #CO #AntiWarMovement #Palestine #StudentMovement #SDS

By staff

Denver protest following election of Trump.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Denver, CO – On the night of November 6, following the election of Donald Trump, a crowd of about 100 rallied in protest at the Colorado State Capitol and marched through the streets to the Denver city council building.

The fired-up workers, students and community members say they are taking action to say no to Donald Trump and his racist agenda.


By staff

Denver SDS demands divestment from apartheid Israel.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – On October 31, the Denver chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a rally outside of the Metropolitan State University (MSU) Presidential Cabinet Meeting, calling on the university to divest from genocide and end its partnerships with war profiteers.


By staff

U.S. out of Korea conference in Aurora, Colorado.   | Staff/Fight Back! News

Aurora, CO – On October 26, community groups came together in Aurora, Colorado, for a conference supporting the “U.S. Out of Korea” campaign, launched by Nodutdol last June. The event took place at the Active Adult Center on Del Mar Circle in Aurora.


By staff

Denver students demand divestment from apartheid Israel | Fight Back News staff

Denver, CO – In the early morning of September 20, Denver Students for a Democratic Society held a pro-Palestine rally outside of the Metropolitan State University (MSU) of Denver board of trustees’ monthly executive session.


By Paul Nelson

Denver protest against the U.S. occupation in Korea.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Denver, CO – On Saturday, September 14, 30 people from Denver and Aurora met at James Bible Park in Denver, Colorado to oppose the U,S. occupation of Korea. A striking banner at the rally read “U.S. out of Korea! End the War Economy!”

This action was organized in solidarity with Nodutdol’s “U.S. Out of Korea” campaign. The energy of Nodutdol’s campaign can was felt those who gathered for the rally. Opposing the rising tensions of war from the continued sanctions on North Korea and U.S. war games is a priority for anti-imperialist groups.


By Katherine Draken

Teamsters rally for heat safety.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Denver, CO – Rank-and-file members of Teamsters Local 455 rallied in the Commerce City UPS parking lot on September 4 to protest the continued lack of heat safety in their work hub. The Shop Floor Educators, an organization that has taken up the campaign for heat safety, provided snacks and refreshments, and led chants and speeches to the crowd of 15 Teamsters.

“We’ve been having a huge safety issue at UPS. It’s been one of the hottest summers on record—people are literally dying across the country,” said Keegan Estrella, a member of the Shop Floor Educators and member of the Safety Committee in the building. “We wanted to show UPS that we’re united in this struggle.”


By staff

Denver, CO – On August 28, Denver Students for a Democratic Society held a rally and march against the repression of student organizers who have been demanding that the Metropolitan State University of Denver and the University of Colorado – Denver cut financial ties with Israel.


By staff

Denver students demand divestment from apartheid Israel.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Denver, CO – On Thursday, August 22, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of Colorado Denver kicked off the semester with a pro-Palestine rally and march on the Auraria campus. The 40-person rally was addressed by members of SDS and a speaker from Denver Anti-War Action.


By staff

Denver rally demands drop the charges against pro Palestine protesters.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Denver, CO – On Monday, July 29, the Protest Defense Committee and Denver Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) gathered students and community members outside of the Lindsey-Flanigan courthouse to oppose the ongoing repression resulting from the Auraria Encampment for Palestine.

Rallying in the early morning, before a number of court appearances for people with citations and arrests related to the encampment, the group gathered calling for all charges to be dropped. In total, 80 cases have been filed as a result of the encampment.


By staff

Denver, CO – On the morning of Saturday, June 29, members of Denver SDS and Denver Anti-War Action (DAWA) picketed outside Pigtrain Coffee Company, a café located in Union Station in the Historic Lower Downtown District in Denver, Colorado.


By staff

Colorado protest against company that arms apartheid Israel.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Highlands Ranch, CO – On Saturday, June 29, protesters led by Denver Anti-War Action (DAWA) paid a visit to the home of Martin Pitre, the plant operations manager for Lockheed Martin’s Waterton Campus in Littleton, Colorado.


By staff

Hundreds of Pro-Palestine protestors march in the street holding signs and banners.

Denver, CO – On Sunday, June 23, the Colorado Palestine Coalition (CPC) organized a protest at Denver’s annual Pride Parade to draw attention to the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people and the complicity of companies like Lockheed Martin in that genocide. Denver’s Pride Parade was sponsored by several arms contractors that sell weapons to Israel, like Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems. The protest was attended by about 500 people.


By staff

Monument to those who died in Ludlow, Colorado massacre.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Denver, CO – On Sunday, June 23, a group of Teamsters from Denver attended the Ludlow, Colorado memorial service in Las Animas County, almost 200 miles south of Denver. Ludlow is the site of the Ludlow Massacre, a horrific 1914 attack by the National Guard and a mine owners’ militia that resulted in approximately 21 deaths. Victims included wives and children of striking miners.