Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Katy Kurzweil

Tallahassee community rallies against Trump’s agenda.

Tallahassee, FL – On Monday, January 20, the Tallahassee Community Action Committee (TCAC) held a rally at the historic capitol to show their unwavering outrage at Trump and the Republican agenda. Around 100 community members attended. They supported the demands, “Unite to defeat all racist and reactionary bills during the legislative session! Say no to SB 54 and all other backwards bills!”


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following speech that was given by Sydney Loving, member of Central Committee, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, at the Washington DC protest coinciding with the inauguration of Trump.

Brothers, sisters, and comrades,

It is so good to stand here with all of you. As an organization last year, we spearheaded the massive marches on the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee and the Democratic National Convention in Chicago that brought 30,000 into the streets – that was the first step, and here is the next. Inauguration day is day one, and we’re mobilizing all over the country. The message is this: we’re not just ready for a fight – we’re looking for one.


By Kristen Bonner

Protesters march against Trump agenda in Washington, DC.

Washington, DC – On a windy Monday morning, January 20, protesters rallied and marched in opposition to Trump’s inauguration and his reactionary billionaire agenda. Organized by the We Fight Back coalition, organizations united around demands to defend the people’s movements from expected attacks by the Trump administration.

Heating the chill of the air with the fire of their spirits, protesters rallied in Malcolm X Park as speakers from endorsing organizations and coalition partners delivered their message to the crowd.


By Faayani Aboma

Chicago marches against Trump.  | Photo: Alec Ozawa/Fight Back! News

Chicago, IL – Negative wind chill could not keep the Coalition to Stop the Trump Agenda from mobilizing 2500 people to Federal Plaza in downtown Chicago to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump.

In the cold midday sun, protesters rallied at the Plaza, marched to Trump Tower, and then rallied a second time there – all to mark a new phase of struggle that will see the social justice movement face grave dangers in the agenda of Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans.


By Eithne Silva

Tampa, FL – On January 20, over 50 people gathered in front of City Hall in downtown Tampa to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump. Protestors held signs reading “Abortion is a human right,” “No deportations” and “Protect trans students,” showing the range of groups affected by Trump’s unpopular policies.


By Alan Mitchell

Grand Rapids, Michigan community meeting prepares response to immigration raids.

Grand Rapids, MI – On Saturday, January 19, community members took refuge from the freezing weather outside to attend a discussion and group training on how to take action against the threat of heightened ICE activity. The event took place in the crowded social hall in Fountain Street Church, with nearly 100 participants.


By staff

Thousands of people took to the streets on Saturday, January 18 to march in defiance of the Trump administration.

Washington, DC – On January 18, thousands of people flocked to McPherson Square in downtown DC to join the People's March to the White House. The action saw mobilization from every corner of the people's movements, with the common goal of protesting the incoming Trump administration. Popular slogans included “Black lives matter,” “Our body, our choice” and “Free Palestine,” among others that reflected the struggles and demands of the broad movement.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

For three days starting January 8, the Border Patrol conducted immigration sweeps terrorizing Kern County residents around Bakersfield, California. Like a pack of wolves, they hunted and detained hundreds. They snatched up 78 people, lining them up for deportation. Kern County is a top producer of agriculture for the region and many affected were farm workers or work in the industry.


By Kayla Kuo

Speakers at Milwaukee press conference blast more to place new ICE detention center in community.

Milwaukee, WI – On January 15, Milwaukee Alderwoman Laressa Taylor held a press conference to condemn the proposal for an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facility in the city’s 9th District.

More than 200 local people, many from Milwaukee’s Black and brown communities, gathered in front of the proposed detention facility site, demonstrating their willingness to fight back against the facility and demanding that their voices are heard.


By Joe Iosbaker

Canvassers preparing to spread the word about the January 20 demonstration chant “F Trump” before heading out to flyer the community.

Chicago, IL – 300 activists, mostly from Latino communities, and many who are immigrants, packed into City Hall this morning to oppose an attack by city council members against Chicago’s Welcoming City Ordinance.

Cook County Commissioner Anthony Quezada kicked off the rally with chants alternating between Spanish and English. “When Black people are under attack, what do you do?” “Stand up, fight back!”


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Trump está a punto de asumir el cargo en su inauguración en Washington, D.C., el 20 de enero. Desde expansiones absurdas de territorios, hasta desafiar la ciudadanía natal protegida por la constitución, ya sus declaraciones escandalosas vienen una tras otra. Aunque parte de esto sin duda pretende animar los elementos más reaccionarios de su base, su retórica incendiaria contiene amenazas reales y materiales. Trump y su cúpula de billonarios intolerantes y tontos harán todo lo posible para cumplir su agenda opresiva y reaccionaria. Un vistazo a sus nombramientos para la administración entrante es un anticipo del desastre que seguramente vendrá. El mensaje es claro — las grandes empresas vienen primero; el planeta y el pueblo vienen al final.

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By Masao Suzuki

President-elect Trump is claiming that he can abolish birthright citizenship, seeking to strip citizenship from 7 million or more Americans who are children of undocumented immigrants.

This has been a long-time demand of right-wing anti-immigrant individuals and organizations, such as Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, former Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce (best known as the sponsor of Arizona’s anti-immigrant SB1070 law) and anti-immigrant organizations such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis, MN – With only a month left before Donald Trump becomes president, immigrant rights activists in the Legalization for All Network are demanding that President Biden do all he can to protect immigrants before leaving office.


By Talison Crosby

Protest at Tacoma, Washington detention center

Tacoma, WA – On Saturday morning November 30, about 30 people gathered outside the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) in the port of Tacoma for a routine trash pickup. As the cleanup began however, community members expressed surprise to see multiple fire trucks and other emergency vehicles rapidly approaching the building.


By staff

A Los Angeles community know your rights educational event addresses Trump and immigration law.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Los Angeles, CA – 30 people attended a know your rights panel and training in the Boyle Hights neighborhood, hosted by Centro CSO’s immigration rapid response team. The educational event was organized because many in the community are nervous about how immigration law will be impacted by the Trump presidential victory.


By staff

San Jose protest against Trump.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

San Jose, CA – On November 6, a coalition of community organizations called an action against Donald Trump. Demanding no attacks on undocumented immigrants as well as standing against the genocide in Palestine, over 100 protesters gathered at the corner of Story and King Roads in San Jose the day after the election.


By Alvin Sheng

Minneapolis protest demands Temporary Protected Status for Ecuadorians

Minneapolis, MN – More than 75 community members and day laborers gathered on Lake Street in Minneapolis to call for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Ecuadorians and show their willingness to fight on behalf of their immigrant coworkers and neighbors. During the rally, Lake Street was dense with cars and passersby; the rally was interspersed with their honks, raised fists, and other expressions of support.


By Tracey Schwerdtfeger

Milwaukee marches against Trump.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Milwaukee, WI – 500 people took to the streets of downtown Milwaukee, November 6, to protest another Trump presidency that will surely launch an all-out assault on workers and oppressed people for the next four years. Rather than giving into despair, the people of Milwaukee, representing various progressive movements, showed they are ready to fight back against Trump’s racist and reactionary agenda.


By Mick Kelly

Minneapolis post-election protest. | Ashley Taylor-Gouge/Watch Me Rise MPLS

Minneapolis, MN – More than 300 people rallied and marched in Minneapolis’s West Bank neighborhood, November 6, in the wake of Trump’s election. The protest was in solidarity with Palestine and opposed the ever-widening U.S./Israel war in the Middle East. In addition, demonstrators were united behind a broad, progressive agenda that defends the rights of immigrants, workers, LGBTQ people, women’s and reproductive rights, and African Americans and other oppressed peoples.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

So, it happened. The racist, reactionary fool Donald Trump is returning to the White House, and Republicans will dominate Congress. The polarization of American political life is sharpening and deepening. Revolutionaries and progressives have some heavy lifting ahead of us.

There is going to be plenty of time to analyze what happened in the election, but on the morning after, some things are clear. The leadership and wealthy backers of the Democratic Party have only themselves to blame for the outcome. The Harris/Walz campaign was tone-deaf to the needs and aspirations of working people. In fact, the two words that they seemed unable to work into any of their speeches were “working class.” Instead, they offered a sad mixture of genocide in Palestine, combined with an appeal to college-educated, “never Trump” Republicans. And they failed.

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