Tallahassee protests against Trump agenda
Tallahassee, FL – On Monday, January 20, the Tallahassee Community Action Committee (TCAC) held a rally at the historic capitol to show their unwavering outrage at Trump and the Republican agenda. Around 100 community members attended. They supported the demands, “Unite to defeat all racist and reactionary bills during the legislative session! Say no to SB 54 and all other backwards bills!”
TCAC was joined by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Food Not Bombs, Students For a Democratic Society (SDS), and Tallahassee Dissenters.
On January 20, at noon, Donald Trump was sworn into office for the second time. It is no mystery that the Trump administration will try to suppress movements all over the nation including attacks on LGBTQ movements, education and DEI programs, women's reproductive rights, national liberation movements, immigration, and more.
Tavyan Dorsey, speaking on behalf of SDS, stated, “Day one of the second Trump term is not even over and ICE has already been mobilized for mass deportations.”
Dorsey continued, “Families like yours and mine come to the U.S, the ‘land of the free’, attempting to seek a better life for them and their children, and in return what do they get? They face imprisonment and barbaric conditions.”
Tito Leadon with TCAC urged the crowd not to cower away with fear and stressed that it is high time for all of us to get organized. He spoke of the unacceptable police budget and went on to emphasize Tallahassee's need for community control of the police.
Regina Joseph with Freedom Road Socialist Organization closed out the night with her high-spirited calls to action, stating, “We stand for Palestine, we stand against the billions of U.S blood money that fueled a genocidal occupation. While corporations profit from war and suffering, the people are fighting for their lives.”
Joseph continued, “Trump may be in the White House, but we the people hold the power to shape our future!”
It’s clear that the people of Tallahassee, Florida are angered by the current state of politics. It is clear that they are ready for change. One significant chant heard throughout the protest was “Trump’s agenda isn’t ours! Organize for people power!” The energy in the crowd was palpable as they cheered along with passing cars that honked their horns in approval.
The night closed with mingling among attendees with local organizations and food provided by Halisi Africa, a local Black-owned business.
#TallahasseeFL #FL #PeoplesStruggles #Trump #ImmigrantRights