Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Vows to fight to keep it

A photo of Rosemary Williams with supporters on her front porch.

Minneapolis, MN – About 40 supporters and neighbors of Rosemary Williams gathered at her home here, Aug. 18 to hear an update on the latest developments in the negotiations with her mortgage holder GMAC and plans for future actions.


By staff

Photo of demonstrators holding "Bail out People not Banks" signs at Wells Fargo.

Minneapolis, MN - “Stop foreclosures and evictions” was the rallying call here August 15, as more that 100 protesters marched on Wells Fargo bank.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On the evening of August 10, 2009, a prayer and candlelight vigil was held in the front yard of Rosemary Williams home. Williams and supporters' round-the-clock sit-in continued into its fourth day. The prayer vigil expressed support from various Twin Cities religious communities for Rosemary Williams struggle against eviction and the broader struggle to end foreclosures and evictions.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Saturday, August 8, the second day of a round-the-clock sit-in at her house, Rosemary Williams and supporters held a press conference on her front porch. Rosemary was officially evicted from her home on Friday. But within one hour of the eviction supporters from the Minnesota Coalition for a People's Bailout, Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights Campaign, neighbors and many others from the South Minneapolis community gathered at Rosemary’s home. They retook the house and are resisting the eviction.


By staff

Demand that GMAC Come to the Table!

Minneapolis, MN – Rosemary Williams, a 55 year resident of Central Neighborhood, who has stood at the forefront of the fight against foreclosures, was evicted from her home on Friday August 7th.


By Steff Yorek

Peoples' occupation to resist the eviction taking place

Minneapolis, MN – Fight Back! News is reporting from the home of Rosemary Williams on the 3100 block of Clinton Ave S. in Minneapolis, MN.  Early this afternoon, Hennepin County Sheriff Deputies came to Rosemary’s home and evicted Rosemary, her daughter in law and two of her grandchildren.  The deputies carried out the wishes of GMAC mortgage with calculated precision.  They allowed the Williams family to collect a few personal items, then changed the locks on the home and padlocked the garage.  A family locked away from their life so the GMAC can be the proud owners of another vacant home on a block with 7 other vacant homes.


By staff

A photo of Teamsters Local 743 member Kendra Mitchell, representative J Burger a

Chicago, IL – University of Chicago Hospital workers have come out strong to demand a fair contract from their wealthy employer. Over three days near the end of July, the 1400 members of Teamsters Local 743 voted down a contract offer from management. The resounding “No” vote – 93.5% against – was because the company’s offer didn’t address employees concerns about job security, healthcare costs and compensation.


By Joe Iosbaker

Una mujer habla, y manta de SEIU Local 73

Chicago, IL – Hace más de tres anos que la economía se estanco, los trabajadores de la Universidad de Illinois han tenido que trabajar más por menos. Los Trabajadores del Servicio de Edificios-Building Service Workers (BSW) han sido los más golpeados, pues ahora hay 80 trabajadores menos. Es decir, que 80 fueron despedidos.

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By Redacción

Chicago, IL – Richard Berg es un sindicalista del ala reformista de los Teamsters. Actualmente, lo están amenazando con la expulsión del sindicato de aseo del Hospital de la Universidad de Chicago (HUC) Local 743. El es miembro desde 1988. Los bandidos que dirigen el sindicato quieren expulsarlo por el crimen de defender a los trabajadores.

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By Redacción

Trabajadora en huelga habla

Minneapolis, MN – “Después de 15 días de huelga, nuestro sindicato es ahora mucho más fuerte y más combativo que nunca. Logramos avances reales para los trabajadores de oficina en la Universidad de Minnesota,” dijo Phyllis Walker, la presidenta de AFSCME 3800, el sindicato de los trabajadores de oficina en la Universidad de Minnesota. La huelga realizada entre el 21 de octubre y el 4 de noviembre del 2003, tuvo como objetivo intentar parar recortes drásticos de beneficios de salud y también parar la propuesta para congelar los salarios de los trabajadores. Otro objetivo fue intentar lograr mas seguridad laboral. Esta huelga fue la primera en la Universidad de Minnesota desde hace 60 años.

Huelgistas marchan en el campus de San Pablo de la U de Minnesota

Estudiantes toman el edificio Morrill Hall para apoyar los trabajadores en huelg

Una huelgista

2 huelgistas

#MinneapolisMN #News #UniversityOfMinnesota #AFSCMELocal3800 #huelga