Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of hotel workers, members of HERE, marched in Minneapolis on May 1 to celebrate International Workers’ Day and demand a union contract that provides an adequate income where “one job is enough.” The hotel workers previous contract expired on May Day.

#MinneapolisMN #OppressedNationalities #MayDay #PeoplesStruggles #Socialism #HotelWorkers #HERE

By staff

May Day in Madison,WI.

Madison WI – Thousands gathered on, May 1 in celebration of May Day in Wisconsin’s capital. Voces de la Frontera hosted the event and were able to bring in more than 17 different cities to attend.


By staff

May Day march in St Paul, MN.

Saint Paul, MN – Hundreds of immigrants, union members and activists marched to the Minnesota State Capitol on May 1, International Workers Day. They demanded that the state legislature pass a bill to give immigrants access to drivers licenses, without adding amendments to further criminalize immigrants. They also raised other demands for immigrant and workers’ rights while commemorating the workers who lost their lives in 1886 in the struggle for an eight-hour workday.


By Sean Orr

Massive May Day march in Venezuela.

Caracas, Venezuela – On May 1, May Day, in the heart of downtown, 400,000 workers poured into the streets for two reasons: to honor their day, International Workers Day; and to celebrate the defeat of the coup attempt against their elected president Nicolas Maduro.


By staff

Los Angeles, CA – Boyle Heights families, workers and students will march on May 1, International Worker’s Day, to protest Trump’s anti-immigrant attacks and demand no wall on the Mexico border and no deportations. The May Day rally and march will start at 4:30 at the corner of Chavez and Mathews streets; and end at Mariachi Plaza for a rally.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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May 1, International Workers Day, is a celebration of the heroic struggle for a better world waged by workers and oppressed people around the world. Monopoly capitalism is the system we fight against. This system is everywhere, from our low wages and the lack of affordable health care, to racist and bigoted laws, to the neverending war and oppression felt around the globe.


By Cassandra Swart

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Dallas, TX – About 50 people gathered in Lake Cliff Park in Oak Cliff, Dallas to celebrate International Workers Day. The theme of the celebration was the resurgence of the strike in labor organizing, and recent victories for workers, such as the teachers' strikes.


By Jared Hamil

May Day march in Boyle Heights.

Los Angeles, CA – On May 1, International Worker’s Day was marked in LA’s Eastside Boyle Heights. Boyle Heights is a historically Chicano/Latino neighborhood. In the past five years the neighborhood has seen an upsurge in police killings and an influx of charter schools trying to move in and poach students from public schools.


By staff

May Day marked in Gainesville, FL.

Gainesville, FL – This May Day, the Gainesville left mobilized to Bo Diddley Plaza. Gainesville’s activist community was represented by groups from various leftist groups. The celebration included speakers from organizations such as Industrial Workers of the World, Madres Sin Fronteras, the Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons, and Gainesville National Women’s Liberation.


By staff

Distributing Fight Back! at Denver May Day event.

Denver, CO – Denver Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) held a gathering in front of the Colorado capitol building on May 1 to celebrate International Workers Day. The Front Range Socialist Party and John Brown Gun Club held a food and clothing drive at the same location.