Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Jared Hamil

By Jared Hamil

Flight attendants on the picket line at LAX.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Los Angeles, CA – On the late morning of June 13, hundreds of flight attendants from different airlines picketed across terminals at LAX, the Los Angeles airport. Three unions were present and coordinated together Worldwide Day of Action, hitting multiple airports across the country.


By Jared Hamil

#Frank posted on the back of a UPS package car in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles, CA – December 5 will mark a year since the murder of UPS driver Frank Ordonez. Last year, Ordonez, while delivering on route, was kidnapped by jewel thieves and held hostage in the delivery vehicle. The truck was pursued by police for hours. The pursuit came to a slowdown at a busy intersection, where police opened fire on the vehicle. The police fired over 200 rounds, killing Ordonez, the thieves and a bystander. The bystander, Rick Cutshaw, was a business rep for OPEIU Local 100. A year later, no one has been charged for the murders, and the officers still remain on active duty. And none of the police or police departments have been held accountable for their actions. The entire murder was captured on live television via helicopter.


By Jared Hamil

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Caracas, Venezuela – On March 9, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization labor delegation met with Venezuelan transport sector union leaders. The delegation met to support the struggle of union workers against Trump's sanctions and economic blockade. President Francisco Torrealba of the Venezuelan Transport Workers Federation spoke, “We welcome you to Venezuela and hope to build ties between workers and unions of both countries.” He proudly said, “President Maduro is a member of our union!”


By Jared Hamil

LA protest against U.S. war on Iran.

Los Angeles, CA – On January 25, protesters joined together at the U.S. Marine recruitment center to demand “No war against Iran!” The event was organized by the 50th Chicano Moratorium Organizing Committee and was part of a day of action across the U.S. against war with Iran.


By Jared Hamil

People gather in Grand Park in downtown LA to demand "Close the camps."

Los Angeles, CA – On October 12, hundreds of people gathered downtown to demand Trump’s concentration camps be closed. Many organizations and labor unions came together including NDLON Day Labor Organizing Centers and MEChA de CSULA with a clear message, “Close the camps.” October 12 was a national day of action in which multiple cities participated.


By Jared Hamil

Centro CSO press conference announcing defeat of KIPP charter school

Los Angeles, CA – Centro CSO (Community Service Organization) along with teachers, parents and students from several East Area schools announced a historic victory, April 4. After months of struggle, corporate KIPP Promesa Charter school will not be building a new mega-charter school in Boyle Heights, at the location of the former Lincoln Hospital near 4th and Soto Street.


By Jared Hamil

Women join together for a photo celebrating Women’s Day in Boyle Heights.

Los Angeles, CA – The neighborhood of Boyle Heights celebrated International Women’s Day, March 8, by honoring women on the Eastside who shake things up. Organized by Centro CSO, the event took place in the historic Casa del Mexicano building. The celebration doubled as a fundraiser for legal fees in a major lawsuit against big-time corporation KIPP Promesa Charter school. A large group from all over East Los Angeles and Boyle Heights attended.


By Jared Hamil

CSO members early voting at Boyle Heights City Hall.

Los Angeles, CA – On Nov. 6, millions of Californians will be headed to the polls for the midterm elections. Many contested seats are up for election, including the governor, house, and senate seats. On top of that, are 12 state propositions up for voting. We encourage you to register and vote.


By Jared Hamil

May Day march in Boyle Heights.

Los Angeles, CA – On May 1, International Worker’s Day was marked in LA’s Eastside Boyle Heights. Boyle Heights is a historically Chicano/Latino neighborhood. In the past five years the neighborhood has seen an upsurge in police killings and an influx of charter schools trying to move in and poach students from public schools.


By Jared Hamil

LA Union members hold signs that read "We Are the Union."

Los Angeles, CA – Labor unions and supporters rallied at the steps of LA County USC Medical Center, Feb. 26, for workers’ rights. On Feb. 26, the U.S. Supreme Court began to hear the Janus v. AFSCME case. The case is a right-wing attack on labor unions.