Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Minneapolis, MN – Activists will gather virtually to celebrate May Day here, on Saturday, May 2. The 4 p.m. gathering is taking the place of the originally scheduled annual May Day dinner celebration, which the Twin Cities branch of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) has held for over 20 years.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

¡Hay que derrocar el capitalismo! ¡Celebren el Primer de Mayo 2020!

El primer de mayo es Día Internacional de los Trabajadores. Es día para celebrar los logros de nuestra clase y para mirar hacia al futuro. Enfrentamos a verdaderos retos. La elite corporativa – los capitalistas monopolistas que gobiernan – no pueden hacer nada correctamente. Están hipnotizados por las ganancias y los beneficios a corto plazo. Es lo mismo para sus representantes en la Casa Blanca y en el Congreso. Decenas de miles de personas quienes podrían haber vivido han fallecido por la pandemia. El capitalismo se ha demostrado una vez más que es un sistema fallido. En 2020 durante el Primer de Mayo estamos comprometidos a poner fin a la hegemonía de este sistema criminal.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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May 1 is International Workers Day. It is a day to celebrate the accomplishments of our class and to look to the future. We have real challenges in front of us. The corporate elite – the monopoly capitalists, who rule this country – can’t do anything right. They are mesmerized by profit and short-term gain. The same goes for their political representatives in the White House and Congress. Tens of thousands of people who could have lived have perished in the pandemic. Capitalism has once again shown itself to be a failed system, and on May Day 2020, we stand committed to ending the reign of this criminal system.


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According to April 23 report in Granma, “On Havana's Lenin Hill, a small group of trade union leaders, headed by Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, Party Political Bureau member and general secretary of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC), dedicated a floral tribute to the legendary Bolshevik, who played a key role in the Russian Revolution, the greatest lesson in the annals of history of what the emancipated working class can achieve in unity of thought and action, guided by socialist principles.”


By staff

Chicago, IL – Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) will be marking International Workers Day virtually with talks from leaders of workers struggles in Chicago. The Sunday, May 3 forum will be streamed from the FRSO Chicago page via Facebook Live at 4 p.m.


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Tampa, FL – Florida FRSO members are holding a webinar May 1, May Day, to highlight the struggles taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare workers, Teamsters, teachers and students will lead these discussions. Focus will be on the labor movement and the struggles of the working class as we navigate the pandemic. Speakers will highlight the steps they have taken to continue this struggle against the bourgeoisie who neglect the needs of the working class.


By staff

Los Angeles, CA – Luis Sifuentes, of the community group Cento CSO states, “Due to the pandemic and Stay At Home order in Los Angeles, Centro CSO is organizing this year's May Day as a car caravan through Boyle Heights with our demands: Jail killer cops, defend public education, and legalization for all – along with demands for hazard pay, better protections for workers in the front lines during this pandemic and expand COVID-19 testing in Black and brown communities.”


By staff

Angie Nixon spoke to the crowd about the importance of building alliances betwe

Jacksonville, FL – About 35 people gathered on May 1 to celebrate International Workers’ Day in Jacksonville. The rally was held in front of the Duval County Courthouse. Members of several local trade unions were present, including Letter Carriers, Teamsters, SEIU, Teachers, and IATSE. Other local activist groups included the Community Action Committee, Students for a Democratic Society, Progressive Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Network, the Northside Coalition, and the local Democratic Black Caucus.


By Carlos Montes

Families unite to demand: Legalization for all, no Trump wall, no deportations!

May Day march in LA.

Los Angeles, CA – On the afternoon of May 1, International Workers Day, Boyle Heights families, workers and students protested the Trump anti-immigrant attacks and raised the demand “Legalization for all” and “No Wall on the Mexico border!”


By staff

May Day in NYC.

New York, NY – On May 1, hundreds of people in New York City celebrated on International Workers’ Day. The day was kicked off in Harlem, where a rally for the laundry workers was held as they demanded better working conditions. The day continued at a Trump Tower on Wall Street. Hundreds gathered near the Stock Exchange under the banner “No walls in the workers struggle.”