Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Ulises Ramos

Dallas, TX - Roughly 40 people sat down Sunday October 12 at Pan-African Connection in Oak Cliff to expand their knowledge and understanding of policing at home and abroad at an ongoing series of town halls held by National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR) Dallas.


By JJ Glueck

Tallahassee students condemn Israeli solider guest speaker at FSU.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Tallahassee, FL – On October 9, Tallahassee Students for a Democratic Society, in collaboration with other local community organizers, held a press conference to condemn Florida State University for platforming an Israeli soldier, Yair Ansbacher. Ansbacher, a Zionist propagandist, was given an opportunity to express his genocidal beliefs while pro-Palestine student activists are repressed.


By staff

Tallahassee stands in solidarity with Palestine.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Tallahassee, FL – On October 7, over 150 community members gathered to show solidarity with the Palestinian people and Palestinian resistance on the anniversary of Operation Al Aqsa Flood.

Jayci Qassis, organizer with Dissenters, started off the event with important historical context for October 7, stating “The Al-Aqsa flood was the result of a culmination; a boiling point of almost a century long existence of living under oppression by the Zionist entity. A year ago today, Palestine brought to consciousness the truth about the over 76 year long occupation that stemmed from the Nakba. We honor the courage and steadfastness of the Palestinian resistance, our brothers and sisters in Gaza and across all of Palestine in their struggle for liberation.”


By Tony O'Hegarty

Grand Rapids, Michigan protest targets weapons maker for arming apartheid Israel.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Grand Rapids, MI – On October 7, roughly 80 people in more than 25 cars drove from Grand Rapids, Michigan to protest at Woodward Zeeland, an engineering firm with locations worldwide which has been connected to the genocide in Gaza.

After the U.S.-funded attacks on Lebanon and Palestine, and the escalation of the genocide, organizers led by Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids (PSGR) launched a campaign targeting local war-profiteers that culminated in the rally and die-in outside of Woodward Zeeland.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Hace casi un año, el 7 de octubre, el sonido de la libertad retumbó en Palestina y sus ecos todavía se escuchan en todo el mundo. La resistencia palestina lanzó la Operación Inundación de Al Aqsa, una fuga masiva de la prisión al aire libre más grande del mundo, Gaza. Y, al hacerlo, dieron un paso histórico hacia la liberación. Karl Marx dijo una vez que esos momentos de revolución, de personas que toman su propio futuro en sus manos, deberían considerarse como “fiestas de los oprimidos”. Tenía toda la razón en eso.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

El siguiente discurso fue pronunciado por Mick Kelly, secretario político de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad, el 29 de septiembre en la ciudad de Nueva York, en un evento para conmemorar el 75º aniversario de la fundación de la República Popular China.

Camaradas y amigos,

Nos reunimos aquí para un evento de genuina importancia, y quisiera expresar nuestra gratitud a los Amigos de la China Socialista y al Partido Obrero Mundial por tomar la iniciativa para que este evento se llevara a cabo.

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By staff

Jacksonville protest demand divestment from shipping company linked to apartheid Israel.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Jacksonville, FL – On Saturday, October 5, around 150 protesters congregated outside of Jacksonville’s port authority (Jaxport), as part of the Palestinian Youth Movement’s International Day of Action, to demand that the port cut all ties with Maersk, one of the world’s largest shipping and logistics companies. Jaxport has had a contract with the shipping behemoth since 2015.


By Gregory R. Butler

Dallas, TX – A coalition led by the Palestinian Youth Movement met at Dallas’ own Grassy Knoll, October 5 to observe a year of resistance against escalated genocide and expanding occupation at the hands of the Israeli state.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Nearly one year ago, on October 7, the sound of freedom thundered across Palestine, and its echoes are still being heard around the world. The Palestinian resistance launched Operation Al Aqsa Flood, a mass breakout from the world’s largest open air prison, Gaza. And, in doing so, they took a historic step towards liberation. Karl Marx once said that such moments of revolution, of people taking their own futures in their hands should be regarded as “festivals of the oppressed.” He was entirely right about that.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization Orlando District

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization of Orlando stands in solidarity with the eight pro-Palestine solidarity activists who were brutalized, assaulted and arrested by the Orlando Police Department [OPD] on September 21.

The protesters were all members of Central Florida Queers for Palestine and Orlando for Peace, two local grassroots organizations dedicated to justice in Palestine. Around 20 activists had gathered at Lake Eola Park as part of an emergency action denouncing Israel’s illegal and immoral bombing campaigns against Lebanon and demanding an end to Israel’s genocide in Gaza.