Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By LGBTQ & Women's Movement Work Team of FRSO

It seems like Trump signs each bigoted executive order before the ink dries on the last. He hasn’t spared any time or pulled any punches in attacking trans people.

The latest executive orders include holding federal funds hostage to bar trans athletes from sports and trans kids from receiving healthcare. Based on pseudoscience, one executive order declares that “it is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes.” This erases the thousands of cisgender intersex people living in the United States. The same order mandates that trans women be barred from women’s restrooms in federal buildings, and it calls on coworkers to turn against each other to report them. It also prohibits changing gender markers on passports.


By Chicano/Latino Plus Commission of the FRSO

In the first two weeks of his Presidency, Trump has unleashed a highly publicized campaign to deport Chicanos, Mexicanos, Central Americans and others. While he claims to be targeting criminals, the most recent raid in Denver, CO, had officials stopping everyone in the neighborhood and asking for documents. In addition, Trump has also cancelled Temporary Protected Status or TPS for more than 300,000 Venezuelans and tried to restrict birthright citizenship granted in the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Trump has even started shipping detainees to the Guantanamo military base in Cuba, isolating them from family, friends, or any legal support.


By staff

Milwaukee march against deportations.

Milwaukee, WI – On Sunday, February 9, the Immigrant Rights work team of the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR) led a crowd of close to 500 participants in a march through Milwaukee’s South Side, which is home to a significant immigrant population.

This march was part of the Legalization for All’s national week of action, and there was overwhelming support from participants and community members who saw or drove by the march.


By Sol Márquez

Marcha en Los Ángeles contra las deportaciones.

Los Ángeles, CA – Miles de chicanos e inmigrantes marcharon hacia el centro de Los Ángeles hoy, 2 de febrero. Ondeando banderas de México, Colombia, Venezuela y Centroamérica, el mar de gente lo dejó claro: los inmigrantes están aquí para quedarse. El evento fue una demostración de indignación pública y unidad en contra de Trump, sus seguidores racistas y sus numerosas órdenes ejecutivas antinmigrantes.

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By Quest Riggs

Anti Trump protesters carry flags and a banner on Canal Street in New Orleans.

New Orleans, LA – On Saturday, February 1 New Orleanians from diverse communities took the busy downtown streets at rush-hour to voice their anger. The protest was organized by the Queer and Trans Community Action Project (QTCAP) in response to several executive orders that Donald Trump passed in his first few days as president. Around 100 protesters marched with signs and flags behind a banner reading “Protect LGBTQ+ youth!”


By staff

On Thursday, February 6, at 5 p.m. Pacific time (6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central, 8 p.m. Eastern), Freedom Road Socialist Organization will be hosting an online meeting “Building the Movement to Fight Trump’s Agenda.”

Featured speakers include Frank Chapman, executive director of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR), Marisol Márquez of Legalization for All, and Sydney Loving, a member of the Central Committee of FRSO. Fight Back! asked each of these leading organizers why they thought this upcoming meeting was important in building the fight against Trump. Here’s what they had to say.


By staff

Marching against raids and deportations in Dallas, Texas.

Dallas, TX – 3000 people Marched through the city of Dallas, February 2, in response to Trump's recent attacks on immigrant rights, including the raids by ICE that have increased deportations around the country, especially in Texas.


By Sol Márquez

Protesters march down the street with signs. At the front people hold banners that read “Lucha contra Trump. Legalizacion, no deportaciones” and “Fight Trump. Legalization, not deportations.”

Los Angeles, CA – Thousands of Chicanos and immigrants marched into downtown Los Angeles, today, February 2. Waving Mexican, Colombian, Venezuelan and Central American flags, the sea of people made it clear: Immigrants are here to stay. The event was to demonstrate public outcry and unity against Trump, his racist supporters, and his many anti-immigrant executive orders.


By Jo Pico

Detroit protest against deportations.

Detroit, MI – On Friday, January 31, a crowd of over 80 people braved pouring rain and rallied outside of the local U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Headquarters on Michigan Avenue with signs reading “No human is illegal” and “My parents are not criminals.”

The rally started with the chants “Fuck Trump” and “Power to the people! No one is illegal!” This was followed by a speech from Detroit Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression member Marcel Ulacia, who said, “Today we take a stand in front of the racist police institution known as ICE, who have their eyes set on attacking the Chicano, Latino and Hispanic members of our community.”


By Mick Kelly, FRSO Political Secretary

On January 20, Trump stood in the Capitol rotunda promising a “golden age” and vowed to stem the decline of the U.S. empire, which in fact is something he will not and cannot do. The opposite is the case. The economic policies he promotes, such as continued decoupling the U.S. economy from that of People’s China and erecting a wall of tariffs, will accelerate the decline of the United States. Increased military spending for the Pentagon or the deployment of more military forces into the Pacific will not change this.


By staff

LA protest against Trump agenda.

Los Angeles, CA – On January 20, over 200 community members from Boyle Heights and East Los Angeles gathered at Mariachi Plaza for a protest to oppose the incoming Trump administration. The event, organized by Centro Community Service Organization (CSO), brought together residents and local organizations united against Trump’s reactionary anti-immigrant agenda and broader policies that threaten oppressed nationalities like Chicanos and African Americans.


By staff

A group of protesters holding a banner

Denver, CO – On Monday, January 20, Denver held its annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day “Marade” – a combination march and parade. Despite single-digit temperatures, roughly 600 people showed up to honor the legacy of Dr. King.


By Omar Gil

Large group of people marches down the street carrying Palestinian flags and signs with slogans like “History has its eyes on us.”

Portland, OR – On Saturday, January 25, about 200 people rallied at Terry Schrunk Plaza in Portland for a post-inauguration protest of Donald Trump. Many protesters held signs denouncing Trump and in defense of the people’s movements. After the rally, the protesters took the streets in a march through downtown.


By David Pulido

Protest against Trump agenda in Santa Ana, California.

Santa Ana, CA – Over 100 community members, activists and organizers rallied in Santa Ana to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20.


By staff

Protesters hold signs on a green. Their signs have slogans like “US out of the Middle East” and “No a las deportaciones”.

Orlando, FL – On January 20, organizations from around Central Florida rallied to protest the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump.


By staff

Protesters gather while a lead organizer speaks into a bullhorn facing the crowd. The gathered crowd holds signs with slogans including “No one is illegal on stolen land” and “Legalization for all! Solidarity with immigrants!”

By staff

San José, CA – On MLK Day, upwards of 600 San José residents came out to protest Trump's inauguration and fight back against his anti-immigrant agenda.


By staff

Crowd gathers on courthouse steps beneath massive U.S. flag.

Jacksonville, FL – On January 20, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a broad coalition of 20 organizations united to bring out over 150 people to the Duval County Courthouse to protest Trump’s agenda. Hearing from speakers representing various struggles, the people of Jacksonville affirm their fight for national liberation movements, workers, immigrants, LGBTQ rights, reproductive rights and more.


By staff

Marching against Trump agenda in San José, California.

San José, CA – On MLK Day, upwards of 600 San José residents came out to protest Trump's inauguration and fight back against his anti-immigrant agenda.

The protest mobilized a broad array of progressive organizations in the South Bay, all united against Trump. The Silicon Valley Immigration Committee and Papeles Para Todos coordinated the rally and march.


By Gregory Butler

Anti Trump event in Denton, Texas.

Denton, TX – Activists from Freedom Road Socialist Organization organized a local resource fair to rally against the incoming Trump administration, January 20, drawing hundreds from the community to engage local organizations and learn about the about the efforts to change the political landscape.


By la Comisión Sindical de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Durante tres días, a partir del 8 de enero, la Patrulla Fronteriza realizó redadas de inmigración aterrorizando a los residentes del condado de Kern alrededor de Bakersfield, California. Como una manada de lobos, cazaron y detuvieron a cientos de personas. Atraparon a 78 personas, alineándolos para su deportación. El condado de Kern es uno de los principales productores agrícolas de la región y muchos de los afectados eran trabajadores agrícolas o trabajaban en la industria.

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