Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

By Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Donald Trump reported that the International Brotherhood of Teamsters President Sean O'Brien had accepted an invitation to speak at the Republican National Convention, held this year in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

This will mark the first time in history that a Teamsters general president has addressed the Republican National Convention.


By Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

We in the Freedom Road Socialist Organization stand in solidarity with the 150,000 members of the United Auto Workers union (UAW) as they fight for better conditions and prepare for a possible strike at the big three American car manufacturers – Ford, General Motors and Stellantis.


By Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Solidarity with the SAG-AFTRA, WGA strikers

We in Freedom Road Socialist Organization stand with the 75,000 workers of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the 65,000 members of the Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) who are striking for not only higher wages and benefits but also against the threat posed by automation.


By Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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The Freedom Road Socialist Organization stands in solidarity with the 1400 workers of UE Locals 506 and 618 who have been on strike against Wabtec Corp since June 22, 2023.


By Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Statement on the Tentative Agreement between Teamsters and UPS

We want to give our support and solidarity to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in their victory in the contract battle with UPS. Militants in the Teamsters have demanded an uncompromising approach to contract negotiations. Since August of last year, the new leadership of the Teamsters listened to the members and launched a massive contract campaign, a breath of fresh air in the labor movement. As a result, they have achieved huge gains at UPS, reversing decades of Hoffa concessions. Members are looking over the tentative agreement now in preparation of voting it up or down.


By Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.