Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following July 25 statement from Homegrown Workers' Union, who are members of Unite Here Local 8.

The Homegrown Worker’s Union, members of Unite Here Local 8, was notified on July 18, after it leaked in the news, that Homegrown Sustainable Sandwiches plans on closing 10 out of its 12 locations, effective September 15. The company has confirmed that this closure would result in the layoffs of 158 of its employees. We condemn these closures and layoffs in the strongest possible terms. We are enraged and devastated that after over two years of organizing and action to win livable wages and benefits for Homegrown workers, our CEO has chosen this course. Employees, including managers, were notified of this decision via email just 60 days before the proposed date of the closures, the minimum timeline required by Washington State law, and have been given no further information at this time.


By staff

Seattle Palestine solidarity encampment.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Seattle, WA – On May 20, students at the University of Washington in Seattle ended their Palestine solidarity encampment following a protracted struggle that led to an agreement with the university administration. While not a complete win, the agreement marked a real step forward.

On Monday, April 29, students started an encampment. Begun by the Progressive Student Union, a chapter of New Students for a Democratic Society, the encampment had three demands: material and academic divestment from Israel, the cutting of ties with Boeing, and an end to the repression of pro-Palestinian staff, students and faculty.


By staff

Tacoma students join walkout for Palestine. | Fight Back! News/staff

Tacoma WA – On Tuesday, April 23, over 150 students and faculty members from Tacoma School of the Arts, University of Washington Tacoma, and University of Puget Sound walked out of classes at 10:30 a.m. They rallied at Tollefson Plaza to demonstrate student solidarity with Palestine and demand that the United States of America divest from Israel.


By staff

Tacoma students rally against war with Iran. | Fight Back! News/staff

Tacoma, WA – On April 14, in Tollefson Plaza, approximately 30 protesters gathered in Tacoma to demand “U.S hands off Iran” at a rally called for by several Students for a Democratic Society chapters (SDS).


By Mantak Singh

Members of United Auto Workers \[UAW\] 4121 rally for a strong contract.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Seattle, WA – On March 29, United Auto Workers (UAW) 4121 held a rally in the quad of the University of Washington-Seattle campus to demand a strong contract. With over 1000 attendees at the rally, the UAW made clear that they will not abide by UW administration’s attacks on their healthcare, wages and their international workers.


By staff

Vigil outside Northwestern Detention Center. | Fight Back! News/staff

Tacoma, WA – On March 20, approximately 50 people gathered in front of the Northwest Detention Center as part of the 24/7 vigil currently being led by La Resistencia and Tsuru for Solidarity.


By staff

Tacoma  high school students rally for Rafah. | Fight Back! News/staff

Tacoma, WA – On March 20, about 50 people gathered in Tollefson Plaza for a protest in solidarity with Rafah organized by School Of The Arts Students For A Democratic Society (SOTA SDS). Through this action, the protesters stood in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance and demanded an end of U.S. aid to Israel.


By Clio Jensen

Some of the victorious Homegrown strikers. | Fight Back! News/staff

Seattle, WA – On Wednesday, March 13, Homegrown workers across Seattle voted 100-1 to ratify their contract, after a successful strike to win reinstatement for their fired coworker.

Homegrown workers at the sandwich company’s Redmond and Southcenter cafes have also officially ended their strike and returned to work after the reinstatement of union leader Sydney Lankford, who was fired illegally on October 30.

Last month, the company agreed to a deal that allowed Lankford to return to work with $10,000 in back pay. Her coworkers, who have been on strike for her reinstatement since October 30, have returned to work as well, with their heads held high. Southcenter Mall Homegrown workers are back to work as well, 80 days after joining the strike.


By Gemini Gnull

Seattle march and rally demands Justice for Jaahnavi Kandula. Fight Back! News /staff.

Seattle, WA – On September 14, over 200 people came to an emergency rally and march organized by the Seattle Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (SAARPR) to fight for justice following the murder of Jaahnavi Kandula by Kevin Dave, an officer in the Seattle Police Department.