Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Chicago, IL – This past year was a tough year for Teamsters Local 743. Reformers Richard Berg and Eugenia Alvarez were wrongly removed from office by Teamsters International President James Hoffa. The remaining executive board members, in office for only five months, spent the time fighting amongst themselves. They then ran against one another in the recent union election.


By Richard Berg

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following letter from Teamster reform leader Richard Berg.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Larry Davis, the new president of Teamsters Local 743 in Chicago, fired five staff members on May 28. Davis had been installed by International President Jim Hoffa on May 14.


By staff

There is a big battle going on in the Teamsters Union, pitting reformers against corrupt officials. In Chicago, Teamster union reform leaders, President Richard Berg and Secretary Treasurer Gina Alvarez of Local 743 were removed from office by Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa Jr. this past Friday. Hoffa’s action aids corrupt union officials and criminals trying to worm their way back into Chicago’s Teamster unions. Fight Back! interviewed Richard Berg just before he received the official letter from Hoffa Jr.


By staff

_Hoffa Grants Stay of Effectiveness to Berg and Alvarez _

Chicago, IL – Two days after Teamsters Joint Council 25 suspended Richard Berg and Gina Alvarez from office over trumped up charges, the International president, Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. has granted them a stay of effectiveness. This will be in place until the international hears their appeal. Berg and Alvarez will be restored to their positions in the union immediately.


By staff

Richard Berg, Teamsters Local 743, speaking at a conference.

Chicago, IL – Chicago Teamster bosses ousted reformers Richard Berg and Gina Alvarez from union office today in a power struggle between grassroots reformers and old guard Teamster officials over one of the largest Teamster local unions in Chicago and the country.


By staff

Stephanie Weiner of NFEJ presents $1,500 to SK Hand Tool striker John McHale

Stephanie Weiner of the Network to Fight for Economic Justice presented $1,500 to SK Hand Tool striker John McHale. The money was raised October 3, at the 'We Say Fight Back' conference in Chicago, where trade union, community, immigrant rights, and student activists came together to found the Network to Fight for Economic Justice. SK Hand and Tool strikers were prominent in the conference and attendees vowed to build support for the strike.


By staff

Teamsters with raised fists, on strike in front of SK Hand Tools

Chicago, IL – When the owner of SK Hand Tools in Chicago unilaterally cut off health care benefits for his employees, he provoked a strike. As a result, the picket line of striking workers on Tuesday, Aug. 25, was also a health care rally.


By staff

A photo of Teamsters Local 743 member Kendra Mitchell, representative J Burger a

Chicago, IL – University of Chicago Hospital workers have come out strong to demand a fair contract from their wealthy employer. Over three days near the end of July, the 1400 members of Teamsters Local 743 voted down a contract offer from management. The resounding “No” vote – 93.5% against – was because the company’s offer didn’t address employees concerns about job security, healthcare costs and compensation.


By Redacción

Chicago, IL – Richard Berg es un sindicalista del ala reformista de los Teamsters. Actualmente, lo están amenazando con la expulsión del sindicato de aseo del Hospital de la Universidad de Chicago (HUC) Local 743. El es miembro desde 1988. Los bandidos que dirigen el sindicato quieren expulsarlo por el crimen de defender a los trabajadores.

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By staff

A photo of workers on strike at S-K Hand Tools

Chicago, IL – On Friday morning, July 31, 30 workers walked the picket line at S-K Hand Tools on Chicago’s southwest side. The picket included several retirees and laid-off workers. The four hour strike by Teamsters Local 743 was provoked by unresolved grievances. Norma Trinidad, a 23-year employee stated, “Everyone is here, current workers, people laid off, people who retired years ago – we are all here fighting for respect!”


By Redacción

Pancarta exige no al aumento de cuota para sindicalistas

Las Vegas, NV – El presidente del sindicato de Camioneros (Teamsters) logró su meta-ell aumento mas grande en la cuota sindical en la historia de este sindicato. El voto a favor del aumento en la convención de finanzas el 30 de Abril fue aplastante.

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By Redacción

Pancarta: Walson = Theft

Chicago IL – Intentaron robar la elección del local 743 del Sindicato de Camioneros (Teamsters) pero los agarraron con las manos en la masa. Bob Walston, Diane Strickland y los demas oficiales del 743 no pudieron ganar una elecciòn por si solos, de modo que recurrieron a la fraude. La elección fue entre la planilla de base de “Liderato Nuevo” contra los elementos corrutos de la vieja guardia.

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By Redacción

William Jenkins, en CAN-TV

Chicago, IL – William Jenkins, un miembro de la planilla de Liderato Nuevo del local 743, y un profesional de videos con fama nacional, falleció de un ataque cardiaco el 30 de Octubre.

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By J Burger

Hombre con pancarta exige justicia

Chicago IL – Los funcionarios del local 743 del sindicato de Camioneros (Teamsters) en Chicago jamas luchan en contra de los patrones. No organizan huelgas, y dicen a los miembros que una huelga es una cosa mala. El resultado es contratos pobres, aumentos cada vez menores, personas que no son miembros del sindicato haciendo trabajos de los miembros, y la desaparencia de beneficios que en un tiempo eran decentes. Los 14,000 miembros del local 743, que son trabajadores de industria, oficinistas, de bodegas y de cuidado de salud, ya están hartos.

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By Redacción

Pancarta dice "Rateros"

Para los miembros del Local 743 de los Teamsters en Chicago, tener oficiales vendidos es muy común. Los votos amanados en los contratos, votos amanados para elegir delegados en las fábricas, negociaciones a espaldas de los trabajadores con los patrones, éstas y otra variedad de quejas son actualmente el estado normal en nuestra Unión.

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By staff

Voices from the protest

These are statements from some of the many people who will protest against the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, MN on September 1-4, 2008.


By Redacción

Richard Berg con Tom Leedham

Chicago IL – En una decisión sorprendiente, integrantes del local número 743 del Sindicato de Camioneros (Teamsters) votaron a favor de una planilla de delegados de tendencia democrática de la base a la convención de su sindicato, rechazando a otra planilla dominada por funcionarios y por títeres del presidente nacional de la unión Jimmy Hoffa Jr. La convención internacional del sindicato establece las posiciones políticas del organismo y nomina los candidatos para la presidencia internacional y la Junta Ejecutiva del mismo.

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By Redacción

El grupo de trabajadores de la companía Fredrick Cooper Lamp elegieron, de 62 a 30, a Tony Caldera para ser el nuevo representante de la Unión. Esto es una victoria muy significativa para el movimiento de la reforma dentro del grupo de líderes en local 743.

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By staff

Teamsters Local 743 banner in immigrants rights march

At the May 1 march in Chicago, three busloads of workers and their families came to represent Teamsters Local 743. The union represents workers at hospitals, nursing homes and small manufacturing plants in the Chicago area. The factory workers include a large number of immigrants, mostly from Mexico and Central America.

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