Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

UCF residence hall with patio tables in a courtyard.

Orlando, FL – On April 26, an informal student conduct hearing was held at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in the political repression case of Marcus Polzer, a UCF Students for a Democratic Society member.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from University of Central Florida Students for a Democratic Society.

On April 1 , UCF Students for a Democratic Society was informed that the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity was moving forward with charging one of its members with several violations of student conduct in addition to filing legal charges for criminal mischief, in response to pro-Palestine activism.


By staff

Vigil for Palestinian children murdered by Israel.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Orlando, Fl – On April 4, over 25 students gathered at the University of Central Florida to participate in a vigil honoring Hind Rajab and the many other martyred children of Palestine.


By Edmund Anglero

Orlando event hails win over anti-LGBTQ bills.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Orlando, FL – On Saturday, April 6, more than 20 community members gathered at The Center, a local LGBTQ community hub, for a victory party celebrating the defeat of 21 out of 22 anti-LGBTQ bills from the Florida legislature during the most recent session. The event was hosted by Orlando for Gender Equality (OGE) and HOPE CommUnity Center.


By Edmund Anglero

Speakers at Orlando International Women's Day celebration express solidarity with Palestine. | Fight Back! News/Jacob Muldoon

Orlando, FL – On Saturday, March 9, the Orlando district of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) held a panel commemorating International Women’s Day, with the central theme of standing with the women of Palestine. Around 20 community members and activists attended the event.


By Cassia Laham

University of Central Florida SDS shuts down Lockheed Martin event on campus. | Fight Back! News/Cassia Laham

Orlando, FL – 25 students gathered at the University of Central Florida, March 4, to protest the presence of Lockheed Martin on their campus. UCF Students for a Democratic Society organized the rally outside of what was meant to be a “Diversity Panel” hosted by the weapons manufacturer, which has supplied weapons to Israel for the ongoing occupation and war against the people of Palestine.


By Cassia Laham

Protesters hold a banner that reads "Lockheed Martin Bombs Hospitals"

Orlando, FL – 25 students gathered at the University of Central Florida, March 4, to protest the presence of Lockheed Martin on their campus. UCF Students for a Democratic Society organized the rally outside of what was meant to be a “Diversity Panel” hosted by the weapons manufacturer, which has supplied weapons to Israel for the ongoing occupation and war against the people of Palestine.


By Cassia Laham

Pro-Palestine protest at MadSoul Music Festival

Orlando, FL – A group of 300 people gathered outside of Loch Haven Park, March 2, in downtown Orlando to protest Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza and to demand, “No business as usual,” while the United States continues to aid, fund, and supply Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people.


By staff

Group of activists hold sighs with slogans like "Stand for Trans Rights", "Stop HB1639", and "Not One Step Back"

Orlando, FL – Activists left a rainbow of messages against HB 1639 on the front door of Florida Representative Doug Bankson’s office in Apopka on Friday afternoon, January 26. It was part of an action called by Orlando for Gender Equality to fight back against the wave of anti-LGBTQ bills being proposed by Florida’s right-wing legislature.


By staff

Orlando, FL – On January 8, members of Orlando for Gender Equality (OGE), gathered on the steps of Orlando City Hall to announce its “Not One Step Back,” campaign, a series of events and actions planned to kill the onslaught of anti-queer bills that have been proposed by various Florida legislators and supported by the state’s right-wing Governor Ron DeSantis.