Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Sam Tunningley

Grand Rapids, Michigan event in solidarity with immigrants and trans people.

Grand Rapids, MI – At Fountain Street Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, February 15, around 80 people gathered to hear speakers stressing solidarity with the immigrant and queer communities. The event’s purpose was to spread awareness and further mobilization, while also stressing the connections between the two struggles.


By Jo Pico

Detroit protest against deportations.

Detroit, MI – On Friday, January 31, a crowd of over 80 people braved pouring rain and rallied outside of the local U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Headquarters on Michigan Avenue with signs reading “No human is illegal” and “My parents are not criminals.”

The rally started with the chants “Fuck Trump” and “Power to the people! No one is illegal!” This was followed by a speech from Detroit Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression member Marcel Ulacia, who said, “Today we take a stand in front of the racist police institution known as ICE, who have their eyes set on attacking the Chicano, Latino and Hispanic members of our community.”


By Michael Muczynski

Protesters marching in the street carrying banners.

Detroit, MI – At 6 p.m., in near-zero-degree weather, over 40 protesters came out to oppose Donald Trump, January 20, his first day in office.

Protesters rallied at Grand Circus Park as the sun set. They marched to the nearby 36th District Court in a show of force against the new era of political repression that Trump intends to lead.


By Tony O'Hegarty

Grand Rapids, Michigan rally for immigrant rights.

Grand Rapids, MI – Facing snow and temperatures as low as 5°F, residents of Grand Rapids marched January 20 in support of immigrant rights and in opposition to the Trump administrations’ deportation plans.


By Alan Mitchell

Grand Rapids, Michigan community meeting prepares response to immigration raids.

Grand Rapids, MI – On Saturday, January 19, community members took refuge from the freezing weather outside to attend a discussion and group training on how to take action against the threat of heightened ICE activity. The event took place in the crowded social hall in Fountain Street Church, with nearly 100 participants.


Grand Rapids, MI – On December 14, 30 people gathered at Fountain Street Church, a non-denominational church and event space in downtown Grand Rapids, for a teach-in about the role greenwashing plays in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Hosted by the Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids (PSGR), the event educated community members on the struggle for environmental sovereignty and national liberation in Palestine. The teach-in also connected this struggle to similar struggles around the world, including here in the U.S.


A acoustic string band quintet playing in a coffee shop.

Grand Rapids, MI – On December 7, 30 people gathered at Scorpion Hearts Club, a coffee shop near downtown Grand Rapids, to listen and sing along to folk and bluegrass performed by Carsten Forester and the Grand Industrial String Band.


By Michael Muczynski

Human Rights Day protest in Detroit, MI.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Detroit, MI – On December 7, 30 protesters marched on Theodore Levin Courthouse advocating a people’s agenda, an end to political repression and for the city to divest from institutions that benefit Israel.


By staff

Grand Rapids, MI – En una poderosa muestra de solidaridad, los manifestantes pro-Palestina se reunieron en las dos ciudades más grandes del oeste de Michigan la semana pasada para condenar el apoyo de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris al genocidio estadounidense/israelí.


By staff

Pro-Palestine protest slams VP Harris.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Grand Rapids, MI – In a powerful display of solidarity, pro-Palestine protesters gathered across West Michigan’s two largest cities this past week to condemn Vice President Kamala Harris's support of the U.S./Israeli genocide.


By Tony O'Hegarty

Grand Rapids, Michigan protest targets weapons maker for arming apartheid Israel.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Grand Rapids, MI – On October 7, roughly 80 people in more than 25 cars drove from Grand Rapids, Michigan to protest at Woodward Zeeland, an engineering firm with locations worldwide which has been connected to the genocide in Gaza.

After the U.S.-funded attacks on Lebanon and Palestine, and the escalation of the genocide, organizers led by Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids (PSGR) launched a campaign targeting local war-profiteers that culminated in the rally and die-in outside of Woodward Zeeland.


By Alan Mitchell

Grand Rapids, Michigan vigil for Khaliifah Ibn Rayford Daniels.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Grand Rapids, MI – Around 30 people gathered on the evening of October 6 at Rosa Parks Circle to mourn and remember the life of Khaliifah Ibn Rayford Daniels, who was executed by the state of Missouri on September 24. The vigil was organized by the Grand Rapids Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.

The stage faced the statue of the legendary civil rights activist Rosa Parks, a long-time Michigan resident for whom the plaza is named. The community activists and organizers spoke from the heart and put the blame for Daniels’ execution on Missouri Governor Mike Parson and connected his murder to the history of apartheid in the southern U.S.

The event included speakers from Freedom Road Socialist Organization Michigan, Grand Valley State University Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids and For Everyone Collective.

Eric Johnson, a student organizer with Grand Valley State University SDS, made it clear that Daniels was lynched by the United States, as no amount of popular support, evidence and testimonies that prove his innocence could persuade Governor Parson.

Emerson Wolfe, co-chair of Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids, linked the genocide in Gaza to the historical genocide of indigenous peoples and other oppressed nationalities in the United States today, stating, “Violence and domination is the legacy of the United States. The principles of Manifest Destiny that drove the genocide against the indigenous people are the same principles Israel uses to commit genocide against the Palestinians.”

An organizer with the Grand Rapids Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression stated, “The devastation of this loss, and the unanswered cries for justice and accountability that remain in this community for Samuel Sterling, for Riley Doggett, and for Patrick Lyoya have not diminished our will to fight. But we affirm that greater actions are still required of us all, and by honoring their names, we make that call tonight.”

Sam Tunningley from FRSO Michigan and the Grand Rapids Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression closed out the speakers by reading Daniels poem, The Perplexing Smiles of the Children of Palestine.

“When I read his poem The Perplexing Smiles of the Children of Palestine, I wept,” said Tunningley. “I wept knowing this man was about to lose his life. I wept knowing that in his final year he had been following the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people by our government.”

Afterward, Tunningley opened it up for anyone to speak about Daniels or other concerns affecting the community.

One student spoke passionately of his political awakening, which drove him to join SDS at GVSU. This concluded the vigil on an uplifting note, despite the heavy subject and content of the speakers, with community members conversing and asking how to get involved.

#GrandRapidsMI #MI #InjusticeSystem #policecrimes #naarpr #sds

By Owen Frassetto

Detroit Anti-War Committee banner demands the city of Detroit divest from Israel.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Detroit, MI – On Sunday, June 30, The recently formed Detroit Anti-War Committee (DAWC) announced their campaign to divest the city of Detroit from Israel, with a banner drop over a city highway.

DAWC is demanding that the Detroit city council withdraw any funds granted to or invested in companies which do business with the apartheid state. Additionally, DAWC is demanding that the Detroit Police Department be banned from any future training with the Israeli military or police.


By Owen Frassetto

Students and community members rally outside the Detroit Detention Center, demanding the release of those arrested during the morning raid on the Wayne State encampment.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Detroit, Michigan – The encampment at Wayne State University, known as the Popular University for Gaza, Detroit campus, was raided by police in riot gear in the early hours of Thursday morning, May 30.

Around 5:30 in the morning, those staying overnight at the Popular University were woken by the Wayne State Police Department issuing a dispersal order through a megaphone. With only minutes left before the cops broke in, the students organized to decide how they would respond.


By Sam Tunningley

Grand Rapids, Michigan march against the Israeli attack on Rafah.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Grand Rapids, MI – On Wednesday, May 8, an educational event on the link between policing in the United States and the occupation in Palestine was held before a march and die-in to stand against a ground invasion of Rafah.

The event hosted by the Grand Rapids Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (GRAARPR) and Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids (PSGR) took place at the East Congregational Church.


By Eduardo Montiel

May Day celebration in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Grand Rapids, MI – Spirits were high on Tuesday, April 30, as attendees celebrated International Workers Day with food, music and discussion. The Freedom Road Socialist Organization held a potluck to commemorate the Haymarket Affair, support Palestine and talk about the conditions and political situation around the country.


By Jacob Smith

Luis Rivera arrested for speaking out for Palestine. | Fight Back! News/staff

Detroit, MI – Over 40 student protesters, demanding divestment from apartheid Israel and passing of new police accountability policies, entered a Wayne State board of governors meeting Friday April 26. The original aim was to advocate for their resolutions, but after the board of governors failed to even put them on the agenda, students acted.


By Jacob Smith

Striking auto workers marching in downtown Detroit. | Fight Back! News staff

Wayne, MI – Since 12 a.m. September 15, over 4000 UAW Local 900 auto workers have been on strike at the Ford Michigan Assembly plant in Wayne, which is located just outside of Detroit. Since the strike was announced, the UAW workers have received much media attention nation-wide, and many Detroit residents are excited about the kind of fight the UAW are leading and the implications a win could have for them.


By Tom Burke

Rural letter carrier Dave Staiger sending giant postcard to U.S. Senator Mitch M

Kalamazoo, MI – Joining hundreds of protests across the country, 70 postal workers and union supporters gathered outside the Arcadia Creek United States Post Office in downtown Kalamazoo on August 25. They held signs reading “Save the Post Office” while hundreds of drivers passing by during rush hour honked their horns and shouted approval.


By Tom Burke

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

Detroit, MI – Over 100 supporters of Rasmea Odeh chanted her name in excitement as she emerged from the Federal Court Building in downtown Detroit on June 13. The crowd could see on Odeh’s face that she had good news. Slightly embarrassed by all the attention,she eventually waved for supporters to cross the street and join her for a press conference.