Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Owen Frassetto

By Owen Frassetto

Detroit Anti-War Committee banner demands the city of Detroit divest from Israel.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Detroit, MI – On Sunday, June 30, The recently formed Detroit Anti-War Committee (DAWC) announced their campaign to divest the city of Detroit from Israel, with a banner drop over a city highway.

DAWC is demanding that the Detroit city council withdraw any funds granted to or invested in companies which do business with the apartheid state. Additionally, DAWC is demanding that the Detroit Police Department be banned from any future training with the Israeli military or police.


By Owen Frassetto

Students and community members rally outside the Detroit Detention Center, demanding the release of those arrested during the morning raid on the Wayne State encampment.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Detroit, Michigan – The encampment at Wayne State University, known as the Popular University for Gaza, Detroit campus, was raided by police in riot gear in the early hours of Thursday morning, May 30.

Around 5:30 in the morning, those staying overnight at the Popular University were woken by the Wayne State Police Department issuing a dispersal order through a megaphone. With only minutes left before the cops broke in, the students organized to decide how they would respond.


By Owen Frassetto

The banners of Grand Valley State University Students for Justice in Palestine, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and GVSU Students for a Democratic Society lead the front of march in Grand Rapids. | Fight Back! News/staff

Grand Rapids, Michigan – . A coalition of local organizations in Grand Rapids held a rally this past Sunday, January 7, in response to the call for a national week of action to stand with Palestine. Around 200 people attended the rally and went on to march through downtown.


By Owen Frassetto

Palestine solidarity marches on Congressman Shri Thanedar’s office. | Fight Back! News/staff

Detroit, MI – On December 18, over 100 people gathered at Grand Circus Park to protest Congressman Shri Thanedar for his support of Israel.


By Owen Frassetto

Hundreds rally for Palestine in Grand Rapids, Michigan, returning to the streets in mass for the second time in two weeks. | Fight Back! News/staff

Grand Rapids, Michigan – Over 300 people rallied on Saturday, October 28 to demand an end to the genocide in the Gaza Strip, and that the United States ends its military aid for Israel.


By Owen Frassetto

Blue Cross Blue Shield strikers pose for a photo on the picket line in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan. | Fight Back! News/staff

Grand Rapids, MI – Health insurance workers of Blue Cross Blue Shield, organized with the United Auto Workers (UAW), walked out on strike four weeks ago after new contract negotiations fell through.