Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Robbey Hayes

Coral Gables, FL – At noon, Oct. 14, ten anti-war activists gathered in downtown Coral Gables and marched to Senator Bill Nelson’s office demanding, “U.S. hands off Syria and Iraq!” Nelson is a pro-war Democrat and member of the Armed Services Committee. The protesters chanted, “Money for jobs and education, not for war and occupation!”


By staff

Minneapolis protest against U.S. attacks on Syria and Iraq

Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cities peace and anti-war groups held a rally in the West Bank neighborhood, near the University of Minnesota and Augsburg College on Sept. 27. The rally was organized to be a part of a coordinated anti-war campaign in cities across the U.S. Sept. 23-29 to protest the U.S. bombing of Syria and Iraq called by the ANSWER Coalition.


By staff

Tarik Rasouli speaking for the MN Peace Action Coalition

Minneapolis, MN – An anti-war protest was held here, Sept. 20, to speak out against the new U.S. military intervention in Iraq and the threat of more U.S. intervention is Syria.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Sept. 10, President Obama spoke to the nation to try to justify increased intervention in the Middle East, using the specter of the upcoming 13th anniversary of 9/11.


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Chicago – A coalition of anti-war groups came together today, Sept. 10, outside the Federal Building here to take a stand against U.S. plans to bomb Syria and intensify its intervention in Iraq. The press conference was timed to take place before President Obama speaks tonight to push the plan for air strikes and another $500 million for the U.S. proxy army trying to overthrow the government of Syria. The groups in Chicago included Voices for Creative Non-Violence, Gay Liberation Network, 8th Day Center for Justice and the Anti-War Committee (AWC) – Chicago.


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St. Paul, MN – The Wednesday peace vigil on Aug. 13 had 50 people on the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge over the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and Saint Paul protesting new U.S. military intervention in Iraq.


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Minneapolis, MN – About 30 people came together here, August 9, to protest the escalating U.S. war on Iraq. Meredith Aby-Keirstead of the Twin Cities-based Anti War Committee told the crowd, “We are here today to say hands off Iraq. The U.S. needs to stop its intervention in Iraq and in the region. Immediately. There is no potential outcome where Iraq will be better off after more U.S.-sponsored death and destruction.”


By staff

Aug. 9 rally will demand ‘No new U.S. war in Iraq’

Minneapolis, MN – An anti-war protest will be held on Aug. 9 in Minneapolis to speak out against the new U.S. military intervention in Iraq. The rally is scheduled to start at 1:00 p.m., on May Day Plaza, which is located at the intersection of Cedar Avenue and South 3rd Street.


By Matt Hastings

St. Petersburg, FL – On June 23, thirty activists gathered for a discussion panel on recent threats of U.S. intervention in Iraq. The panel was moderated by local progressive radio station WMNF, and included representatives from organizations like St. Pete for Peace, Green Party, Progressive Democrats of America, Uhuru Solidarity Movement, and the Nature Coast Coalition for Peace and Justice. People asked about US domination of the Middle East and how prolonged military intervention in the region caused the current crises in Iraq and elsewhere.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

It is vital that everyone who wants peace with justice raise their voices against another new war on Iraq. This means no troops, no military ‘advisors,’ no drones, no air strikes, no weapons shipments and no financial aid packages. For the last 20-plus years the U.S. government has been either waging a war on Iraq or preparing to wage a war – it time for this to stop once and for all.