March 20 Washington DC protest against war and occupations
About 10,000 gathered here, in Lafayette Park near the White House, March 20, to oppose the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Natasha Morgan, Milwaukee Students for a Democratic Society Natasha Morgan, Milwaukee Students for a Democratic Society, addresses thousands of protestors at Lafayette Park across the street from the White House. Morgan urged students and youth to rise up and build a strong youth movement against the war.
Students chanting against eight years of occupation of Afghanistan.
A contingent of Korean peace activists provided a lively drum corp for the march A contingent of Korean peace activists provided a lively drum corp for the march.
The ANSWER march brought ten thousand demonstrators to the streets of D.C. The ANSWER march brought ten thousand demonstrators to the streets of D.C. to demand U.S. out of Afghanistan and Iraq now.
Iraq and Afghanistan military veterans played an important part in the rally Iraq and Afghanistan military veterans played an important part in the demonstration, giving powerful speeches during the rally.
A massive banner calling for an end to U.S. aid to Israel A massive banner calling for an end to U.S. aid to Israel spans across the width of the street. Many speakers denounced the siege of Gaza and the roll of the U.S. in supporting and enabling Israeli war crimes.
Contingent of Students for a Democratic Society at the March 20 protest About one hundred students joined the contingent of Students for a Democratic Society. Chapters from Washington D.C., Rochester, NY, Chapel Hill, NC, Asheville, NC, Gainesville, FL, and other cities participated in the contingent.