Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the massive airstrikes unleashed by the U.S. on Syria and Iraq. The Biden administration say this bombing campaign is just getting started. It should be opposed by everyone who wants peace with justice.

The Biden administration justifies its criminal attacks as some sort of legitimate “retaliation.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that the U.S. has military bases in Iraq that Iraqi people want gone. The U.S. is also illegally occupying portions of Syria. The Syrian government has told the U.S. to leave its soil on many occasions. An unwelcome invader of the other people’s homes, the warmakers of Washington, D.C. play the aggrieved party when resistance forces try to end these occupations. The hypocrisy of empire is unbelievable.


By staff

Iraqi-American activist Sami Rasouli speaks at the peace vigil on June 30.

St. Paul, MN – Around 30 people lined the busy Lake Street-Marshall Avenue bridge over the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and Saint Paul, June 30, to protest the latest U.S. airstrikes in Iraq and Syria. The action was called by Women Against Military Madness and supported by the Anti-War Committee, the Minnesota Peace Action Coalition and other local groups. Peace vigils have been held at the bridge every Wednesday for over 20 years, regardless of weather.


By Cassia Laham

Participants in South Florida protest against a U.S. war on Iran.

Fort Lauderdale, FL – Hundreds of protests took place across the world on January 25, to demand no new U.S. war in Iran, an end to Trump’s violence and sanctions against Iran, and the removal of U.S. troops from the Middle East. In Fort Lauderdale, 35 activists gathered outside of the federal courthouse to join the global day of protest.


By Wyatt Miller

Twin Cites protest against a U.S. war on Iran

Minneapolis, MN – On January 25, around 150 anti-war activists and members of working class and community groups united to protest the U.S. military in Iraq and threats of war against Iran. Part of a global day of protest, the action came two days after millions of Iraqis overcame political disunity to fill the streets of Baghdad and demand an end to 17 years of U.S. occupation.


By staff

Denver, CO – Students from Denver Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) met on campus January 21 to continue the rallying against U.S. aggression towards Iran and the U.S. occupation of Iraq. This action comes after the illegal act of war of the Trump regime in which Qassem Soleimani was assassinated in the Baghdad International Airport.


By staff

Minneapolis protest demands no war with Iran, U.S. out of Iraq.

Minneapolis, MN – 20 people picketed in front of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office during a blizzard, January 17, for her legitimizing Trump’s targeting of Iran and for her silence on the U.S. occupation of Iraq.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Anti-War Committee of Minnesota is holding a protest on Friday, January 17, 4:30 p.m., at U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Office, located at 1200 S Washington Avenue in Minneapolis to demand the senator denounce the Trump administration’s military escalations with Iran and the U.S. continued occupation of Iraq. Klobuchar had the opportunity to denounce Trump’s airstrike and instead responded that Trump should have asked for Congress’ permission.


By staff

Florida protest against U.S. war on Iran.

Fort Lauderdale, FL- Over the last several days, four protests calling for an end to U.S. aggression toward Iran have taken place throughout the South Florida area. From rallies and marches, to vigils and artistic displays, the progressive-minded people of South Florida have united and made it clear that they oppose any further military escalation against Iran and the entire region.


By staff

Washington, DC – According to widespread press reports in the Middle East, the Balad Air Base, which houses U.S. personal was struck today, January 12, by multiple rockets.


By Bryn Dayton

Salt Lake City, UT – The Trump administration rang in the New Year by putting millions of lives at risk with the assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani and threatening a war with Iran. Similarly, Salt Lake City police began 2020 with a violent raid on the homeless community and the organizers fighting to protect them.