Hundreds of South Floridians join several days of protests against war with Iran
Florida protest against U.S. war on Iran. (Fight Back! News/Staff)
Fort Lauderdale, FL- Over the last several days, four protests calling for an end to U.S. aggression toward Iran have taken place throughout the South Florida area. From rallies and marches, to vigils and artistic displays, the progressive-minded people of South Florida have united and made it clear that they oppose any further military escalation against Iran and the entire region.
On January 4, over 60 activists gathered at the Torch of Friendship in downtown Miami to hold signs and listen to speeches opposing the assassination of Iranian General Soleimani. They chanted, “No More Wars!” and held a banner read, “Money for jobs and education, not for war and occupation.” This rally was organized by CODEPINK and People's Opposition to War, Imperialism, and Racism (POWIR.)
On January 9, two anti-war events took place in the South Florida area: one at the Torch of Friendship in Miami and the other outside of the federal building in Fort Lauderdale. Over 150 people took part in those two events, which began as sign-holdings and ended as vigils to all victims of endless U.S. wars in the Middle East. This action was called for by MoveOn.
On January 12, artist Huong Peace installed her mobile mural on the topic of the escalating conflict with Iran. It is on Miami Beach’s busy Lincoln Road, and asks passersby to add their comments on the topic. Dozens of pedestrians took part in the interactive art display, which will remain up for the next few weeks.
#FortLauderdaleFL #International #AntiwarMovement #Iraq #Iran #US #MiddleEast #PeoplesStruggles #Trump #DonaldTrump
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