Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Three years after the recession officially ended, economic hard times continue. Financial ruin haunts many working people. One in three children live in families where neither parent has full-time year round employment. Outrageously, bankers are still taking bonuses after taxpayer-financed bailouts. The wealthy 1% are living in luxury, while working people struggle to make ends meet, find work, and survive. The U.S. economy is stagnant at best and threatened by the growing economic crisis in Europe. People are frustrated by the economic crisis and rightfully angry with politicians of both parties.


By staff

Tampa, FL – Starting on August 18, members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) will kick off a major, week-long effort to build for the August 27 protest at the Republican National Convention, by visiting college campuses in the Southern region of the U.S.


By Committee Against Political Repression

Fight Back News Service urges your organization to sign the following statement from the Committee Against Political Repression in support of political activists who have been subpoenaed to appear before a Seattle Grand Jury. The Committee to Stop FBI Repression is also supporting this effort. To add your group’s name to the solidarity statement, please email: [email protected].


By Jared Hamil

Lead up protest to the march on the RNC outside of the Bank of America in Gaines

Tampa, FL – Across Florida, groups with the Coalition to March on the RNC protested as part of a statewide day of action on July 27. The day marked a one-month countdown to the Republican National Convention (RNC) and the massive unified march and protest happening on Monday, August 27, in Tampa.


By mick

Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cities activists came together for a fundraising party here, July 27, to help pay the transportation costs for the vans that are heading to the massive march on the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. The event, organized by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), brought in more than $600.


By Dave Schneider

**Spoiler alert: This review is full of spoilers**


By staff

Tampa, FL – The Coalition to March on the RNC successfully obtained permits to rally and protest in Tampa, Florida. The permitted rally and march on the Republican National Convention will start at 10:00 a.m., Monday, August 27, at Perry Harvey Sr. Park, 1200 North Orange Avenue, in Tampa.


By Masao Suzuki

San José, CA – On July 6, the U.S. Department of Labor announced that only 80,000 net new jobs were created in June. This was less than most mainstream economists predicted and far less than what is needed to put the millions of unemployed back to work. So it was no surprise that the official unemployment rate stayed the same from May to June, at 8.2%.


By Fight Back! Editors

Fight for single payer government health insurance must go on

On June 28 the U.S. Supreme Court upheld most of the 2010 Affordable Care Act or ACA. In particular, the Court upheld the “individual mandate” that requires people with incomes above the poverty line to buy private health insurance. While the Court did not accept the government's argument that the mandate itself was constitutional, a slim majority (5-4) said that the fine for not buying insurance was like a tax and therefore was constitutional.


By United National Antiwar Coalition

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the United National Antiwar Coalition