Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fernando Figueroa, Skye Schmelzer, and Marisol Marquez at Tampa conference

Tampa, Fl – About 50 people from across the country gathered here June 16, on the University of South Florida campus, for the Coalition to March on the Republican National Convention Organizers Conference. There were representatives from more than 30 labor unions, student organizations, anti-war groups and immigrant rights groups from Florida, Minnesota, Illinois and North Carolina, including the Graduate Assistants United at the University of Florida, Students for a Democratic Society, the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, the United National Anti War Coalition, and Students Working for Equal Rights.


By Fight Back! Editors

On June 1, the Labor Department reported that only 69,000 net new jobs were created in May, less than half of what economists had expected and less than a third of the relatively strong job growth of the December through February period. Immediately the Republicans and the Romney campaign blamed President Obama and his policies, especially the health care reform act. The Democrats and the Obama administration quickly fired back, blaming the Republicans for blocking their economic stimulus proposals in Congress.


By Fern

The Coalition marches towards Tampa City Hall.

Tampa, FL – Over 30 supporters rallied here, April 10, in Joe Chillura Park to demand permits to march on the Republican National Convention and to slam the “Clean Zone” ordinance. The Clean Zone ordinance proposed by the city government of Tampa would place massive restrictions on any sort of demonstration against the RNC in August. Restrictions include what sort of everyday items protestors could bring to protests and would place any and all actions against the RNC far away from the convention center – effectively silencing any opposition to the Republican agenda of war and poverty.


By Michael Graham

Fern Figueroa of the Coalition to March on the RNC speaking at Charlotte confere

Charlotte, NC – Over 60 activists converged here, April 14, holding a conference at the Charlotte School of Law to discuss the upcoming week of protest at the Democratic National Convention (DNC). Charlotte, a prominent center of banking, will be hosting the convention where Democratic Party elites and delegates will establish the party platform and select Barack Obama as their candidate for President of the United States. The DNC will be held Sept. 3-6.


By Marisol Márquez

Jared Hamil of the Coalition to March on the RNC speaks out demanding permits

Tampa, FL – Organizers for the Coalition to March on the RNC held a press conference today, April 10, outside City Hall in Tampa. Leaders are organizing a national protest on the opening day of the Republican National Convention, to be held in Tampa, Florida on Aug. 27. Protesters will demand jobs, healthcare, education, equality and peace.


By Brad Sigal

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Revolutionary activist and scholar Joel Olson passed away on March 29, 2012. He was 45 years old. His passing came as a shock to friends and comrades and as word spread there was an outpouring of grief and memories on facebook. A fund was quickly set up to support his wife and three children. Memorials are planned for his home of Flagstaff, Arizona, as well as New York and other cities where he had close friends and comrades.


By Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression.


By Tom Burke

Tampa, FL – The Coalition To March On The RNC showed up in force at the Tampa City Council April 5, to demand permits and oppose Mayor Bob Buckhorn’s ‘Clean Zone.’ Many spoke in opposition to the mayor’s attempts to repress protests. They included Coalition representatives Dave Schneider of Fight Back Florida – a multi-city group that demands jobs, income and public spending – and Corey Uhl of Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by Freedom Road Socialist Organization of the passing of Ernesto Bustillos


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Un grupo de manifestantes se reunió el 17 de septiembre del 2011 en el Parque Zuccoti, en el distrito financiero de la ciudad de Nueva York, EEUU. Su intención era exponer la avaricia y dominación de Wall Street sobre las vidas de la gente de la clase media y la clase obrera, que forma el 99% de la población. Casi inmediatamente la policía respondió con represión y gas pimienta. Esto provocó que miles de habitantes de Nueva York, en solidaridad, inundaran el Parque Zuccoti dándole inicio al movimiento Ocupar Wall Street [Occupy Wall Street en inglés].

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