Emergency anti-war protests set for June 23 – July 1
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the United National Antiwar Coalition
Emergency Protests Against the Growing Threat of War
Hands Off Syria and Iran!
End the Drone Wars!
We Need Jobs, Education and Healthcare, Not Endless War!
The growing threats of war against Syria are alarming. Recently, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Russia not to get in the way of US backed efforts to force out the government of President Assad. The corporate media is making every effort to overwhelm us with calls for another “Humanitarian War”. The drum beat of aggression against Iran grows daily as well. The coup by the U.S. funded and trained Egyptian military, overturning the first popularly elected government in recent history is another ominous warning. The threat of new war is real while US drone attacks are an expanding form of anonymous war.
During the period from June 23 through July 1, there will be demonstrations, vigils and forum around the country to protest the growing threats of war. Please join the protests in your city or organize one in your city. Send information about your action to UNACpeace@gmail.com
#UnitedStates #AntiwarMovement #Iran #Syria #antiimperialism #UnitedNationalAntiwarCoalition