Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Fight Back! Editors

Editor’s note: A flood of commentaries are appearing in the press to mark the 100th birthday of Ronald Reagan. The following is an editorial evaluating the Reagan legacy that we published in 2004.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

January 28, 2011


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Ray Sosa (center)

Brother Ray Sosa was a Chicano Los Angeles community organizer and revolutionary who dedicated his entire life to the struggle to achieve justice, equality and liberation for working and oppressed peoples.


By Fight Back! Editors

_Put a Tax on Wall Street! _

"Tax the rich" protest in Minnesota.

In September of 2008 the New York Federal Reserve gave the U.S. insurer American International Group (AIG) an $85 billion loan as part of the bailout of Wall Street. The NY Fed told AIG to pay big banks in full the $62 billion AIG owed for credit default swaps. In addition, the NY Fed told AIG not to tell the public how much they owed or who they were paying off. The government bailout of AIG has been increased three times since then and now totals more than $180 billion.


By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

La manta proclama "EEUU fuera de Afganistan ya!"

La Organización Socialista del Camino de Libertad denuncia la escalada de la guerra sangrienta e injusta estadounidense en Afganistán. Condenamos la decisión por la Casa Blanca y el Pentágono para la ‘oleada’ de mas de 30.000 fuerzas de EE.UU. y la OTAN en Afganistán en un intento de estabilizar un régimen fallado de la ocupación.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Banner reads U.S. Out of Afghanistan and Iraq Now

Freedom Road Socialist Organization denounces the escalation of the bloody and unjust U.S. war in Afghanistan. We condemn the decision made by the White House and Pentagon to ‘surge’ over 30,000 U.S. and NATO forces into Afghanistan in an attempt to stabilize a failing occupation regime.


By Naomi Nakamura

When I heard that the Nobel Peace Prize had been awarded to President Barack Obama, I was shocked. I know that most of my friends and family had voted for Obama in hope of a change from Bush. But what had President Obama done to deserve a peace prize? The United States is still occupying Iraq with more than one hundred thousand troops. Obama is increasing the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and his escalation of the war is taking a growing toll on the lives of the Afghan people and U.S. troops. In 2002 in awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, the committee noted the contrast with the Bush administration's war in Afghanistan and build-up to invade Iraq. So how can they now award the peace prize to a President who is fighting the same two wars?


By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

La Organización Socialista Camino de Libertad (Freedom Road Socialist Organization) lamenta el fallecimiento del líder palestino Yacer Arafat (1929 – 2004). Expresamos nuestro pesar por la sensible perdida de un luchador por la libertad que trabajo incansablemente por la emancipación de Palestina.

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By staff

His spirit and work will live forever

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Freedom Road Socialist Organization on the murder of Raul Reyes.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

We are saddened by the death of Manuel Marulanda, commander in chief of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP). At the same time, we are inspired by the powerful example of his life and work. Marulanda embodied the struggle of the Colombian people for national liberation and socialism. He was both a Colombian patriot and an internationalist – a persistent advocate for a united Latin America free from domination by U.S. imperialism. Marulanda was a Great Liberator, in the tradition of the Simon Bolivar.


By Zeno Wood

Hector Castro.

Tom Burke y Zeno Wood de la Red de Acción Colombia hicieron la siguiente entrevista con Hector E. Castro, un líder sindicalista de Colombia. Castro es un líder del Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT) y un organizador de la campaña en los Estados Unidos en contra de Coca Cola, debido a su vinculación con los paramilitares (escuadrones de la muerte) en Colombia.

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By Redacción

cuarenta personas manifestaron en frente del consulado Colombiano

¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Marco Leon Calarca, un portavoz de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), para familiarizar nuestra comunidad con la guerra que esta desplegando en Colombia.

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By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Los norteamericanos están celebrando la derrota del hombre rico y bélico John McCain. Votaron por un cambio – un fin a la guerra, las mentiras y la corrupción. Muchos vieron que McCain era la continuación de las políticas fracasadas de Bush, y lo castigaron con el voto. Es seguro que la respuesta insuficiente de McCain a la crisis económica y su apoyo para los ricos aseguró su derrota. Los votantes de la clase trabajadora y la clase media están preocupados por la economía, se oponen al “rescate” de $700 mil millones y buscan un líder que “compartiría la riqueza”.

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By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

El movimiento anti-guerra y una coalición amplia de gente progresista están listos para protestar afuera de la convención nacional republicana el primero de septiembre en San Pablo, Minnesota. Los organizadores de la protesta esperan que más de 50,000 personas llenen las calles el primero de septiembre, día que también es celebrado como el día de los trabajadores. La gente que va a protestar enfrentará a los republicanos guerreristas, racistas y reaccionarios quienes hace sólo unos años se jactaron que los republicanos se mantendrían en el poder para siempre.

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By Stephanie Weiner

Aaron Patterson en un evento del Comite Exigimos Justicia

Chicago, IL – Aaron Patterson es una de las cuatro personas que el Gobernador Ryan perdonó el 10 de Enero del 2003. El fue torturado y sentenciado a la pena de muerte en 1989 por asesinatos que el no cometió. El es una de las muchas personas que fue torturado por el Comandante Jon Burge del Departamento de Policia de Chicago, Area 2. Los Comités por la Defensa de Aaron Patterson y Liberen a Mumia han sido de los mas fuertes en el área de Chicago por muchos años. Aaron fue puesto en libertad un Viernes por la tarde. El próximo día, sabado al mediodia, el habló en una manifestación en contra de la Guerra donde explicó que los verdaderos terroristas son el Alcalde Richard Daley y Dick Devine, porque estan atacando a las comunidades negras y latinas. El se dió prisa para ir al norte a escuchar al Governador Ryan quien estaba anunciando el perdon de las penas de muerte. Aunque el evento del Gobernador ya habia empezado, Aaron exigió hablar directamente con el para hablar acerca de los que han sido sentenciados por error. El Gobernador concedió hablar con el ese día. El día domingo, Aaron habló en un evento auspiciado por el Comité Exigimos Justicia para pedir justicia por los latinos que son sentenciados erroneamente, a la vez, apoyó la petición de limpiar la estación de policia del Area 5.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Americans are celebrating the defeat of warmonger and angry rich guy John McCain. The voters wanted change – an end to war, lies and corruption. Many correctly saw McCain as the continuation of Bush’s failed policies, so they punished him in the voting booths. To be sure, McCain’s pathetic response to the economic crisis and defense of tax breaks for the rich sealed his defeat. Working and middle class voters are angry about the economy, opposed to the $700 billion bailout and looking for a leader who will “spread the wealth.”


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The midterm elections represented a defeat of historic proportions for the Bush administration. They were a referendum on the war against Iraq. The American people voted ‘no.’ The Republican agenda of racism, inequality and reaction met with a setback. This is a moment to savor. It’s payback time for the politicians who left people to die on freeway overpasses in New Orleans and who are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands in Iraq.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

outside steps of supreme court building in DC

Make no mistake about it, John G. Roberts, Bush’s nominee to the Supreme Court, is a clear and present danger to your rights. He’s a right-wing corporate lawyer with a reactionary agenda. Everyone concerned about what is fair and just should object to his confirmation by the Senate.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

You wouldn’t know it from reading your daily paper or watching FOX news, but on May 1, something really extraordinary will take place. Hundreds of millions of working people across the globe will take to the streets to celebrate a day that is ours and ours alone – International Workers’ Day.


By Fight Back! Editors

George Bush is throwing sand in our eyes. Folks in other countries have created organizations and political parties to fight for a decent way of life. Bush has put those groups on the State Department's 'terrorist list.' He is calling that the good 'the evil.' He is trying to exploit Americans' fears about attacks on civilians to justify sending guns and money to some of the world's most repressive regimes.

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