Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Bush's speech at the UN, resolutions put before Congress to authorize an illegal first-strike attack, and a slow but steady military buildup in the Gulf region all make it clear that the Bush administration is moving toward war. Already in the region, there are 30,000 U.S. troops, 400 warplanes, and equipment to outfit an invasion force of 15,000. Bombings in the no-fly zones have stepped up – one operation in September included 100 planes attacking southern Iraq. The path to war seems certain.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On May 1, working people in the hundreds of millions will celebrate a holiday that is truly our own – International Workers Day. On every continent, workers will fill the streets of cities and villages. In the jungles of the Philippines and Colombia, poor peasants will gather. In the countries where the rule of the rich has come to an end, such as Cuba and Democratic Korea, May Day is recognized as a national holiday. From Moscow to Manila to Minneapolis, working women and men will gather and say, “Enough is enough; we don't have to live this way. We do not have to put up with exploitation, discrimination, and national oppression.”


By mick

Dear readers,


By Fight Back! Editors

Make no mistake about it: the Bush administration is waging a war at home and abroad. While bombs rain down on Afghanistan, destroying homes, hospitals and mosques, the White House is presiding over an assault on the rights and on the standard of living of working and oppressed peoples at home.


By Fight Back! Editors

Following the tragic loss of life at the World Trade Center, we saw real acts of heroism by the working people of New York, and an outpouring of concern and generosity on the part of people across the country. The emergency medical technicians and fire fighters who rushed to ground zero and made the ultimate sacrifice typify what is best in the American working class. The same applies to others – such as the Ironworkers who rushed to the scene to do all that they could. All of us can and should learn from these heroes.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On May 1, hundreds of millions of working people will celebrate International Workers Day. From Madrid to Minneapolis, from New Delhi to New York, working people will assemble. We will condemn all who exploit us. We will celebrate our victories. Moreover, we will look forward to a world that is free of injustice, discrimination, and national oppression.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

George Bush is in the White House. His road to power was paved with the racist disenfranchisement of African-American voters, deceit and outright fraud. He failed to win a majority of the votes. The Electoral College, a relic of slavery originally set up to strengthen the hand of southern plantation owners, gave Bush the presidency.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Minneapolis, MN – It was standing room only, as more than people 55 came together here, May 6, to celebrate International Workers Day. Leaders from labor, the fight for Native land at Highway 55, welfare rights, anti-war, and student movements spoke of their struggles and victories over the past year. Some traveled over 100 miles, from Duluth MN, to attend.


By Fight Back! Editors

On May 1, hundreds of millions of working people will stand up and say NO to exploitation, poverty, and oppression. In every country on the globe, women and men, employed and unemployed, will come together to celebrate May Day, International Workers Day.


By Fight Back! Editors

A shortage of affordable housing has turned the lives of millions into a nightmare. Emergency shelters are occupied by an army of the homeless. Many more people are living on the streets. In New York City, the wait for public housing is 8 years.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – More than fifty poor and working people came together to celebrate May Day, international workers day, May 6. The event, organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization stressed the victories won by the peoples struggle in the past year, the fights that lie ahead, and the need for unity between employed and unemployed workers. Half the people attending the event were from the low income community and engaged the fight against welfare cuts.


By Fight Back! Editors

With this issue of Fight Back!, we begin our second year of publication. In our very first issue, we said; “this paper exists to build the people's struggle.” We have done everything in our power to make that commitment a reality.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization-Minnesota/Madison

During the first week of May, hundreds of millions of working people around the world will celebrate May Day – the international holiday of the working class. It is a day for working people to say Enough is Enough!


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization-Minnesota/Madison

_Make The Rich Pay For Their Crisis! _

Nearly one third of the world has fallen into economic depression. Asian countries like Korea, once hailed by U.S. policy makers, face a rising tide of unemployment, as everything from steel mills to hospitals close down. The Japanese economy is shrinking as its government casts about for ways to prop up the country's banks. Now, the crisis is spreading to Latin America.


By mick

Estimados lectores,

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By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Hace tres años un caso llegó a la corte del Tercer Circuito en Pensilvania. Unos policías que tenían autorización legal para buscar a un hombre acusado de tráfico de drogas, decidieron buscar más allá de lo permitido, y desnudaron a una niña de 10 años para registrarla. Todos los jueces que revisaron el caso dijeron que la policía actuó ilegalmente en el caso, excepto uno, Samuel Alito. Desde su punto de vista, la policía actuó bien, y ahora Bush quiere poner a Alito en la Corte Suprema

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Three years ago a case came before the Third Circuit court in Pennsylvania. Cops with a warrant to search a man accused of drug dealing decided to do some extra looking around, so they strip-searched a ten-year-old girl. Every judge who looked at the case said the cops were out of line. Except one. Samuel Alito. As he saw it, the police did the right thing. Now Bush wants him on the Supreme Court.


By Editorial ¡Lucha y Resiste!

Mientras los medios capitalistas halagan a Ronald Reagan por haber “restaurado la confianza a América,” milones de estadounidenses y milones más en el resto del mundo han sido forzados  a enfrentar la pobreza y guerra como resultado de las políticas de Reagan.

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By Fight Back! Editors

While the corporate-controlled media is singing praises of Ronald Reagan for “restoring confidence to America,” millions of Americans and millions more around the world have been forced into poverty and war as a result of his policies.


By Brian Chorley

Amidst at sea of U.S. flags, the rulers of Kosovo announced its ‘independence’ from Serbia, Feb. 17. This declaration is the latest act in the west’s quest to destroy Serbia, a pillar of the former Yugoslavia. This statement of ‘independence’ was recognized by most of the members of the European Union as well as the United States.

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