Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Minneapolis, MN — A coalition of peace, anti-war, faith based, student and other groups will march and rally in Minneapolis on Saturday, Oct. 7.


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Minneapolis, MN – While Minnesota’s elite assembled for a University of Minnesota fundraising gala, Sept. 23, where the price of admission was a half-million dollars, about 200 campus workers and their backers crashed the party.


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Press conference announcing ‘Sanctuary Platform.’

Minneapolis, MN – Around 50 people gathered on the steps of City Hall Sept. 20 for a press conference to publicly launch the Minneapolis Sanctuary Platform. Afterwards, many of them marched into the city council meeting to demand “Sanctuary now” for immigrants.


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U of M workers say no to poverty wages

Minneapolis, MN – About 100 members of Teamsters Local 320, AFSCME Local 3800, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and others rallied Sept. 8 on the University of Minnesota campus at the McNamara building to demand decent contracts for the university workers’ unions.


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Twin Cities protests Trump's war threats against the DPRK

Minneapolis, MN – For the second week in a row, the organizers of a weekly peace vigil in the Twin Cities addressed the war crisis in Korea by holding a very visible anti-war event. The Sept. 6 event was attend by over 35 people who held signs against a U.S. war on north Korea.


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Minneapolis protesters lining up to march in defense of DACA.

Minneapolis, MN — About 2500 people marched through the streets of Minneapolis, Sept. 5, demanding “Hands off DACA! No more deportations!” Protesters gathered at the Minnesota Republican Party headquarters and marched to downtown where they joined another powerful rally organized by Asamblea de Derechos Civiles.


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Minneapolis protesters lining up to march in defense of DACA.

Minneapolis, MN — About 2500 people marched through the streets of Minneapolis, Sept. 5, demanding “Hands off DACA! No more deportations!” Protesters gathered at the Minnesota Republican Party headquarters and marched to downtown where they joined another powerful rally organized by Asamblea de Derechos Civiles.


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“The war in Afghanistan is Trump’s war”

Minneapolis, MN – A group of Twin Cities anti-war and peace activists gathered to listen to the Monday, August 21 speech on Afghanistan given by President Trump. In the speech Trump outlined what amounts to a continuation of the war.


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Minneapolis march against white supremacy

Minneapolis, MN – More than 1000 people marched here August 14 to oppose white supremacy and honor the dead and injured in the aftermath of a white nationalist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia. The lead banner of the march read, “Minnesota against white supremacy.” Several protesters carried poster-sized images of Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old anti-racist murdered by a white supremacist in the August 12 attack.


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Minneapolis protest against war with DPRK.

Minneapolis, MN – Over 40 people joined a Minneapolis protest on August 11 to speak out against the growing danger of a new U.S. war in Korea.