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Occupy Minneapolis interrupts Hennepin County Board meeting, demands end to attacks on People’s Plaza

By Jess Sundin

Minneapolis, MN – About a dozen people from Occupy MN/Minneapolis interrupted a Hennepin County Commissioners Board meeting Dec. 13, demanding an end to county attacks on the Occupy movement and the People's Plaza.

The action began with a practice round of mic check on the Plaza outside and then occupiers each grabbed a sign and headed up to the 24th floor meeting room. The public meeting is held inside a large glass-walled room, where about 100 people sit in the room, and dozens more mill around outside, watching the proceedings on TV screens. Some signs were held against the glass, while several more went inside, with slogans reading, “Shelter is a human right,” “The first amendment is 24/7,” and “The 99% will not be silenced.”

Heads turned when an occupier named Divine stood up and shouted, “Mic check!”

Other occupiers repeated after him, as he shouted, “Stop the violation of our constitutional rights! End the harassment, intimidation and attacks on Occupy! Return all our bedding and tents! Revoke all trespasses! Allow shelter for Occupy's assembly!” Divine was removed by two large security guards, but other occupiers picked up where he left off.

These occupiers were also removed, repeating, “Stop the attacks on Occupy!” as all were escorted out of the building.

Sarah Martin explained why the commissioners were targeted by protesters, “The county has tried everything to take the Plaza from us – seizing our tents, tarps and blankets, banning dozens of individual occupiers with trespass notices and a constant campaign of harassment and threats. They raided the Plaza last week, but still, we're not going away.”

#MinneapolisMN #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyMN #HennepinCountyCommissioners #OccupyMinneapolis

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