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Another raid on Occupy Minneapolis, struggle continues

By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Supporters of Occupy Minneapolis rallied here Dec. 6 to protest this morning’s raid by Hennepin County Sheriff. They vowed to continue the struggle.

At 8:30 a.m., while some occupiers still slept, Hennepin County Sheriffs seized blankets, tarps, a table and food.

Since Oct. 7, Occupy MN/Minneapolis has carried out a day-and-night protest at the Hennepin County Government Center, now dubbed People’s Plaza, demanding a redress of grievances including joblessness, homelessness, foreclosures and the buying of elections; the occupiers are demanding people over profits.

As part of that protest, occupiers have demanded the right to use tents in order to have shelter and to bring attention to the situation of the thousands without shelter in Minneapolis every night. On Nov. 30, occupiers set up 40 tents that were ripped down by Hennepin County Sheriffs in the early hours of Dec. 1.

#MinneapolisMN #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyMN #OccupyMinneapolis

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