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News and Views from the People's Struggle

Occupy Minneapolis re-claims People’s Plaza, celebrates 2-month occupation

By staff

Ben Painter and Melissa Hill. Both have been "trespassed" at People's Plaza

Minneapolis, MN – About 100 supporters and participants of Occupy Minneapolis gathered at People’s Plaza here, Dec. 11. They hung signs advancing the demands of the 99%, using clothespins on ropes tied to plaza light poles, pounding staked signs into frozen planters and taping their messages onto poles and benches.

“On the 2 month anniversary of OccupyMN, we gather at the People's Plaza again, to reclaim our space and continue our fight for equality and justice,” said a statement from organizers of the action.

Sam Richards said, “The 1% can pay for a place at the table. The only way the 99% can have our voices heard is ongoing occupations and protests in public spaces. The Hennepin County attorney is trying to take away our right to assemble and be heard. The People's Plaza is our plaza – a place for us to gather, to organize and to voice our demands for a society that puts people over profits.”

He added, “The county has tried everything they can think of to take the plaza from us – seizing our tents, tarps and blankets, banning dozens of individual occupiers with trespass notices and a constant campaign of harassment and threats. But we refuse to be deterred. The county can steal our belongings but they cannot evict our demand for justice!”

Participants in Occupy Minneapolis are still maintaining a 24/7 presence on the plaza.

Protesters with signs on People's Plaza

Steff Yorek hanging sign on People's Plaza

#MinneapolisMN #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyMN #OccupyMinneapolis

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