Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Milwaukee, WI - After a protracted fight with authorities, the Coalition to March on the RNC came to agreement July 12 with city government on the route the protest will take on the opening day of the Republican National Convention. 


By staff

Chrisley Carpio of the Tampa 5 speaks against attacks on trans people in Florida

Milwaukee, WI – Nearly 30 protesters with the Coalition to March on the RNC 2024 massed outside the Pfister Hotel in downtown Milwaukee on the evening of August 22 to protest Riley Gaines, a former collegiate swimmer turned right-wing anti-trans personality. Protesters chanted “Transphobic, anti-gay, Riley Gaines, go away!” “Can’t swim Riley” and “Sore loser Riley” as they picketed outside the hotel. They carried a large banner that read “Stop trans genocide” and received a great deal of support from passing cars and people walking by.


By Ryan Hamann

Milwaukee press conference announces march on Republican National Convention.

Milwaukee, WI – Cameras and microphones of news outlets were out in force the afternoon of August 5 as members of organizations hosted a press conference outside City Hall in downtown Milwaukee to announce the formation of the Coalition to March on the RNC 2024. The press conference came only a few hours after the decision of the Republican National Committee became official following a vote at their summer meeting in Chicago.


By staff

Jacksonville, FL – Community members and activists are celebrating after Donald Trump’s July 23 announcement that he is canceling the Jacksonville portion of the Republican National Convention, including the acceptance speech he intended to deliver. It is a great victory for all those who oppose Donald Trump and the Republican party, including the Coalition to March on the RNC.


By staff

Coalition to March on RNC protesting in Cleveland, OH, Republican National Conve

Jacksonville, FL – Members of the Coalition to March on the RNC applied for permits several weeks ago from the City of Jacksonville to march against Donald Trump and the Republican National Convention on August 27. After not receiving any response about the permit application for several weeks, the Coalition still plans to march against Trump and the RNC regardless of the city’s decision to issue or deny a permit for the march.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – The Coalition to March on the DNC is getting behind the massive anti-Trump protest that is set for the Republican National Convention.


By Coalition to March on the RNC

2008 march in St Paul, MN organized by the Coalition to March on the RNC.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the Coalition to March on the RNC.


By staff

Coalition to March on the RNC demands permits for August 27 rally

2016 march on the Repblican National Convention in Cleveland, OH.

Jacksonville, FL – The Coalition to March on the RNC applied for permits from the city of Jacksonville, June 17, to hold a rally and march opposed to Donald Trump and the Republican National Convention.


By staff

Organizers of the Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC.

Cleveland, OH – Organizers from the Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC hit the streets of downtown Cleveland, July, 15, taking out the word about the national protest set for the opening day of the Republican National Convention.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization denounces the lies and exaggerations made by Major Marc Hamlin of the Tampa Police in an August 3, 2015 news article. We oppose police spying, police wrecking and political repression of the people's movements. It is outrageous that police claim they managed to “join” and “take over” activist groups at the protests against the Republican National Convention in 2012.