Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Students occupy CU Denver bursar's office demanding divestment from apartheid Israel.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – On Monday, May 13, members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) occupied the Bursar's office of the University of Colorado, Denver to demand divestment from Israel.


By staff

Denver students demand universities break all ties with Israel.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – On Tuesday, May 7, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a rally and sit-in at the Aerospace and Engineering Sciences (AES) building at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. Since April 25, students have been camping on the Tivoli Quad on campus to demand that the University of Colorado and the Metropolitan State University of Denver divest from Israel.

Although student leaders have met with the administration of both universities multiple times, thus far negotiations have stalled, and the schools seem unwilling to grant the students' demands. MSU Denver specifically has a partnership with Lockheed Martin, with an entire floor of the AES building dedicated to Lockheed manufacturing.


By staff

Veteran Black liberation activist Angela Davis speaks at Palestine solidarity encampment in Denver. | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – On Saturday, April 27, the Auraria Encampment for Palestine entered its third day. Despite police violence and the arrest of 44 protesters the day before, campers were in high spirits to continue.

The encampment is organized by Students for a Democratic Society with community support from the Colorado Palestine Coalition. Throughout the day, hundreds of students, faculty and community supporters spent time at the camp. At 1 p.m., there was a rally featuring speakers from SDS, supportive city council members, and veteran organizers from groups such as the American Indian Movement.


By staff

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston speaking with participants at Palestine encampment. | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – On Saturday, April 27, the Auraria Campus Encampment for Palestine entered its third day. Despite freezing temperatures and downpouring rain, dozens of protesters have remained through the second night at the encampment.

The previous day the encampment faced attacks from the Denver Police Department. After arresting over 70 protesters, DPD retreated from the encampment before returning a few hours later. Dozens of riot police surrounded the encampment and issued an order to disperse. The crowd linked arms and did not move.


By staff

Pro-Palestine students attacked by Denver police. | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – On Friday, April 26, the Denver Police Department (DPD) attacked an encampment for Palestine set up by Students for a Democratic Society.


By staff

Khalid Hamu removed by police from University of Colorado Denver board of regents meeting  | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – On April 11, members of Denver Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) rallied and held several disruptions outside the University of Colorado Denver board of regents meeting to further Denver SDS’s demands for the University of Colorado to divest from companies tied with Israel.


By staff

Transgender Day Of Visibility in Denver, Colorado. | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – Students organized by the Denver chapter of Students for a Democratic Society gathered on Auraria campus April 2 to solemnly commemorate Transgender Day Of Visibility. The candlelight event recalled the suffering and lives lost from violence and hatred aimed at the trans community. News publications and watchdog agencies, spurred on by trans activists, have noted a sharp uptick in hate crimes under the Biden administration, with a steady increase each year since the record numbers committed during the 2020 election year.


By staff

Protest against Lockheed Martin's arming apartheid Israel.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Littleton, CO – On Wednesday, March 27, Denver Anti-War Action (DAWA) kicked off their new campaign against Lockheed Martin with a powerful all-day picket, bringing around 80 protesters to Lockheed’s Colorado headquarters campus.

With thousands of cars passing by throughout the day, the action gave a massive amount of visibility to DAWA’s message that Coloradans do not support Lockheed’s role in Israel’s genocide in Gaza. If this action is a preview of events to come, the days of Lockheed hiding in the shadows outside of suburban Littleton are behind them, as it appears that the people have had enough of the company.


By staff

Protesters for Palestine outnumber cops and Democrats at Denver fundraiser. | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – On March 23, the Democratic party hosted “Demfest” at the Denver Performing Arts Center. In response, the Colorado Palestine Coalition held a protest and disruption of the event in response to the Democrats’ continuous support of Israel’s genocidal actions against the Palestinian people.


By Solveig Swain

International Women's day celebration in Denver, DO. | Fight Back! News/staff

Denver, CO – On the evening of March 9, the Colorado Palestine Coalition (CPC) kicked off an event focused on highlighting Palestinian women for International Women’s Day. The action drew over 250 attendees who gathered to listen to a powerful lineup comprised entirely of Palestinian speakers. After an hour and a half, the event concluded with an emotional speech from longtime Palestinian organizer Reema Wahdan, who brought every Palestinian woman in the audience on stage.