Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By la Comisión Sindical de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Durante tres días, a partir del 8 de enero, la Patrulla Fronteriza realizó redadas de inmigración aterrorizando a los residentes del condado de Kern alrededor de Bakersfield, California. Como una manada de lobos, cazaron y detuvieron a cientos de personas. Atraparon a 78 personas, alineándolos para su deportación. El condado de Kern es uno de los principales productores agrícolas de la región y muchos de los afectados eran trabajadores agrícolas o trabajaban en la industria.

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By staff

Minnesota Workers United event on fighting Trump's agenda.

Minneapolis – On Saturday, January 18, around 40 workers gathered at the Lucy Parsons Institute in Minneapolis to hear from a panel of experienced labor movement figures on the issue of the incoming Trump administration, as well as attend workshops addressing common questions and workplace concerns. Minnesota Workers United hosted the event to educate labor and union activists, both new and old, about the challenges the incoming Trump admin will pose for our shop floor movements.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Flight Attendants at Horizon Air, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), are ramping up their fight for a good contract by filing for federal mediation.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following speech that was given by Sydney Loving, member of Central Committee, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, at the Washington DC protest coinciding with the inauguration of Trump.

Brothers, sisters, and comrades,

It is so good to stand here with all of you. As an organization last year, we spearheaded the massive marches on the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee and the Democratic National Convention in Chicago that brought 30,000 into the streets – that was the first step, and here is the next. Inauguration day is day one, and we’re mobilizing all over the country. The message is this: we’re not just ready for a fight – we’re looking for one.


By Alex Carson

Atlanta labor marches on MLK Day.

Atlanta, GA – On Monday, January 20, the streets of downtown Atlanta were filled with activists, community and youth groups, and a number of labor unions who all marched to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Among the unions present were Teamsters Locals 728 and 396, as well as the IBEW, CWA, SEIU and Atlanta-North Georgia Labor Council.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

For three days starting January 8, the Border Patrol conducted immigration sweeps terrorizing Kern County residents around Bakersfield, California. Like a pack of wolves, they hunted and detained hundreds. They snatched up 78 people, lining them up for deportation. Kern County is a top producer of agriculture for the region and many affected were farm workers or work in the industry.


By staff

Striking health workers and supporters on the picket line in Duluth, Minnesota.

Duluth, MN – At 4 p.m. on a blustery January 15 in Duluth, workers from Essentia Health-Deer River pulled up in a bus in front of the Essentia Health-Duluth hospital and began a solidarity picket in front of the main entrance to the hospital.

The Deer River Essentia workers are represented by the Service Employees International Union, Healthcare Minnesota and Iowa (SEIU HCMNIA). January 15 marked their 38th day of an open-ended strike at their hospital and nursing home.


By staff

UPS Teamsters are fighting job loss due to automation. | Staff/Fight Back! News

Los Angeles, CA – As the holiday peak season wraps up, after workers around the country toiled away for a surge in parcel deliveries, the United Parcel Service (UPS) plans again to shutter large facilities due to automation.

On January 15, the UPS facility in Vernon, California, also known as the Grande Vista hub, will be shutting its doors for a year-long closure. The purpose of the closure is for building renovations and the automation of various classifications, part of UPS’s larger “Network of the Future” project, which aims to automate union jobs to reduce labor costs.


By Rain Mendoza

Teamsters en la línea de piquetes en el condado de Orange, California.

Anaheim, CA – El 22 de diciembre, alrededor de las 4 de la mañana, cerca de 40 trabajadores de Amazon, algunos de los cuales también son miembros de la Hermandad Internacional de Camioneros (Teamsters) del Local 396, formaron una línea de piquetes frente a un almacén de Amazon en Anaheim. Llevaban carteles de protesta que decían “Huelga por prácticas laborales injustas de Amazon” y marcharon frente a la entrada del almacén. Los gerentes vigilaron de cerca la línea de piquetes, desalentando a los conductores que salían de hablar con los piqueteros

Esta línea de piquetes es parte de la huelga más grande contra Amazon en la historia de los Estados Unidos y está ocurriendo en un momento crucial del período de mayor actividad comercial del año.

Rubie Mosqueda, conductora de reparto de Amazon de la Ciudad de Industry, explicó: “ Hay una huelga nacional en marcha porque varios almacenes han alcanzado la mayoría para sindicarse y Amazon sigue negándose a sentarse a la mesa. Queremos discutir mejores salarios, seguridad laboral y la negociación del contrato. ¡Estamos en huelga para mostrarle a Amazon que estamos unidos como sindicato!”.

El sindicato Amazon Labor Union, afiliado a los Teamsters, quiere expandirse y llevarlo a nuevos almacenes como el de Amazon en Anaheim. Mientras los piqueteros hablaban con los conductores sobre las condiciones de trabajo y la lucha por un contrato, Mosqueda dijo: “Hemos extendido la línea de piquetes para venir a apoyar a otros locales. Queremos ver cómo se sienten los conductores acerca de traer el sindicato aquí. Primero plantamos las semillas, luego hacemos el piquete, conseguimos contactos, ¡y después nos comunicamos y organizamos!”

Los cánticos llenaron la calle mientras los piqueteros gritaban: “¿Qué queremos? ¡Un contrato! ¿Cuándo lo queremos? ¡Ahora!”. Los vehículos que pasaban tocaban el claxon en apoyo de la huelga.

La gerencia de Amazon llamó al Departamento de Policía de Anaheim, y dos patrullas se detuvieron, amenazando con multar a la gente por caminar mientras el semáforo estaba en rojo. Los piqueteros respondieron a la gerencia con el canto: “¡Romper sindicatos es repugnante!”

Los piqueteros planearon regresar a la Ciudad de Industry el 23 de diciembre y mantener la huelga con fuerza.

#AnaheimCA #CA #Labor #Teamsters #ALU #Amazon #Strike #Huelga

By Jack Saucier

Starbucks workers wave signs in front of store.

New Orleans, LA – On Christmas Eve, Starbucks Workers United called for an escalation of their strike to include over 300 stores across the country. The strike started on December 20. It responded to Starbucks’ refusal to negotiate economic benefits in good faith and its failing to bring any offers to the table. More stores walked out over the five days leading to Christmas.


By staff

Colorado Springs, CO – On Saturday, December 21, the union workers of the Starbucks on Centennial Boulevard in Colorado Springs began a four-day strike as a part of the national Starbucks Workers United strike. Tiffany Sparks, a shift supervisor with nine years at Starbucks, and the store's current delegate to Starbucks Workers United, stated, “We just want better wages, more labor, better benefits and hundreds of unfair labor practices resolved.”


By Rain Mendoza

Striking workers and supporters holding signs on a crosswalk.

Anaheim, CA – On December 22, at around 4 a.m., nearly 40 Amazon workers, some of whom are also members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters from Local 396, picketed in front of an Amazon warehouse in Anaheim. They carried signs stating, “Amazon unfair labor practices strike” and marched in front of the warehouse entrance. Managers watched the picket line closely, discouraging outgoing drivers from speaking to picketers.


By staff

Striking Starbucks workers standing in front of their workplace.

San Jose, CA – On December 24, Starbucks workers took to the picket line at Capitol Square Mall, one of the busiest locations in San Jose. They joined more than 5000-plus workers across the country as part of a five-day Unfair Labor Practices (ULP) strike.

The strike comes after more than nine months of bargaining between Starbucks Workers United, the union representing the interests and will of the baristas and shift leads at unionized locations, and Starbucks Corporation.


By Simon Rowe

Striking Starbucks workers in Tampa, Florida.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Tampa, FL – On Christmas Eve, about 15 current and former Starbucks workers and their supporters picketed the Starbucks store on the corner of N Dale Mabry Highway and Linebaugh Avenue. Starbucks Workers United (SBWU) started an unfair labor practice strike on December 20 at a few locations across the country, building to a strike at all unionized stores. Tampa’s unionized store joined the picket line on day four.


By Tony O'Hegarty

Amazon workers and supporters pose with raised fists near a snow covered roadway.

Caledonia, MI - For 48 straight hours, from December 19 to 21, members of Teamsters Local 406 picketed outside the Amazon GRR1 Fulfillment Center in solidarity with the Amazon Teamsters on strike nationwide. Braving snow and temperatures as low as 23 °F, the trade unionists stayed outside passing out literature, leading chants and talking with community members from Grand Rapids, Muskegon and Caledonia. 


By Jo Hargis

Starbucks workers on strike outside a Starbucks store with a giant inflatable rat.

Dallas, TX – On December 23, four north Texas Starbucks locations joined the national strike led by Starbucks Workers United (SBWU). The next day, December 24, ten north Texas locations were on strike.

Pickets began at each location, then converged in Denton for a march between striking locations. Starbucks management called police on strikers at the Rayzor Ranch location, but police came and went without arrests.


By Mathieu Chabaud and Clio Jensen

Striking Starbucks workers on the picket line.

Seattle, WA – On Friday, December 20, Starbucks workers at five stores in Seattle went on strike. Anchored by the 24 hour picket line at the Reserve Roastery, one of Starbucks’ premiere stores, workers on these picket lines are planning to strike through December 24.


By staff

Thornton, CO – On December 20, Teamsters from the Denver area showed up for another solidarity picket at Amazon’s DEN3 warehouse in Thornton, Colorado.


By Henry Cornejo and Reuben Navarrete

Amazon workers wearing their uniform vests march in a picket line carrying signs supporting the Amazon strike.

Los Angeles, CA - On day four of the largest strike of Amazon workers in U.S. history, over 100 Amazon workers picketed outside an Amazon facility in Rosemead, California, December 22. Amazon workers want better pay, safer working conditions and respect from management as workers fight to unionize.


A acoustic string band quintet playing in a coffee shop.

Grand Rapids, MI – On December 7, 30 people gathered at Scorpion Hearts Club, a coffee shop near downtown Grand Rapids, to listen and sing along to folk and bluegrass performed by Carsten Forester and the Grand Industrial String Band.

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