Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Katherine Draken

Teamsters rally for heat safety.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Denver, CO – Rank-and-file members of Teamsters Local 455 rallied in the Commerce City UPS parking lot on September 4 to protest the continued lack of heat safety in their work hub. The Shop Floor Educators, an organization that has taken up the campaign for heat safety, provided snacks and refreshments, and led chants and speeches to the crowd of 15 Teamsters.

“We’ve been having a huge safety issue at UPS. It’s been one of the hottest summers on record—people are literally dying across the country,” said Keegan Estrella, a member of the Shop Floor Educators and member of the Safety Committee in the building. “We wanted to show UPS that we’re united in this struggle.”


By staff

Striking AT&T workers on the picket line.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Atlanta, GA – In a triumph for organized labor, the historic 30-day strike by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) against AT&T Southeast came to a close on September 15, with workers securing a strong tentative contract agreement. This hard-fought win, covering 17,000 workers across nine southeastern states, represents a significant victory for the labor movement in 2024 and serves as a testament to the power of strikes.

The strike—the longest in the region’s telecommunications history—was called after AT&T refused to bargain in good faith with the union. CWA members from Alabama to North Carolina held their picket lines amid the blistering summer heat. They fought for decent wages, affordable healthcare and a contract that reflected their essential role in maintaining AT&T’s network infrastructure. A statement by CWA President Claude Cummings Jr. emphasized that the determination of the members was essential to achieving this victory.


By staff

Striking workers rally at the University of Washington in Seattle.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Seattle, WA – On Tuesday, September 10, over 100 members of WFSE Local 1488 walked out ahead of their current contract expiring in a few weeks. The union, representing food service, custodial, maintenance and other workers at the University of Washington, has been bargaining since the beginning of June for a strong contract, with university administration stalling.


By Taylor Cook

Atlanta, GA – During the September 10 daytime shift, at UPS SMART Hub, the building was evacuated due to a fire. The fire was due to a belt malfunction in the north-unload section of the building.

The fire broke out at approximately 12:30 p.m., leading to an evacuation of the whole building. Smoke began to affect workers near the fire before evacuation began and clouded their visibility. Workers were instructed to return to work at approximately 1:30, with smoke still in the building.

Workers in areas with the lingering smoke began to cough, feel ill, and cover their faces with masks and t-shirts. There was an overwhelming smell of electrical fire across the area. Instead of allowing the smoke to exit through the bay doors, management immediately began having trucks park into bay doors to be unloaded and resume production. A number of workers informed management that their asthma conditions were acting up, to which they were offered a surgical mask. UPS also made workers stay later than their usual shift to meet the production standards for the day.


By staff

Tacoma workers on the picket line for the right to organize.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Tacoma, WA – On September 4, members of the IBEW Local 46 and community members picketed at the Tacoma location of Auto-Chlor to demand an end to illegal firing and intimidations and for the company to acknowledge workers’ lawful right to organize.

“We are tired of the always increasing workloads, pressure to get more done with less, more and more time away from our families, and not being compensated at market value for our skills and the profits we bring to the company,” said Dametrius Ballarad, an Auto-Chlor technician.

Talison Crosby, a member of Teamsters Local 174, said, “I'm out here today because as a rank-and-file Teamster, I know the power of a union. We gotta stand with our siblings in the working class who are fighting for what's right. Tacoma is a proud union town, and we won't let this union-busting go unchallenged!”

Wrapping up the picket, community member Sean Renning commented, “The sentiment was one of solidarity and visibility. We were there to show the workers of Auto-Chlor that they're not alone and that they have our support in the struggle for fair pay and working conditions.”

“Ultimately our goal as a labor union is to elevate the industry in which we represent working-class people,” said Shannon Hagen, senior organizer with IBEW Local 46.

#TacomaWA #WA #Labor #IBEW

By staff

Milwaukee trade unionists stand with Palestine.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Milwaukee, WI – On Monday, September 2, the Milwaukee Area Labor Council (MALC) and other unions such as the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) and the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association (MTEA) hosted LaborFest, an annual celebration held in commemoration of Labor Day. Hundreds of workers and union supporters turned out for the occasion.

The first portion of the day’s events saw the traditional mass march featuring rank-and-file workers mobilized by unions spanning the spectrum of organized labor, from trades workers to letter carriers to communications workers and everything in between.


By Simon Rowe

Tampa, FL – On Friday morning, August 30, a group of AT&T workers and community supporters picketed their workplace in Tampa. The Communication Workers of America union called an unfair labor practice strike against AT&T in the Southeast. The strike started August 16 with over 17,000 workers across nine states.

The contract between AT&T Southeast and the CWA ended August 3. During negotiations, the CWA pointed out that AT&T has not bargained in good faith. The CWA then filed an unfair labor practice charge. On August 21, federal mediation began between the CWA and AT&T Southeast.


By staff

CWA Local 3109 workers holding down the picket line outside of AT&T’s facility on Davis Highway, Pensacola, Florida.

Pensacola, FL – On a humid August morning, the sound of car horns fills the air up and down Davis Highway, each honk a note of solidarity for more than 25 members of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 3109. These workers, standing firm outside the AT&T worksite, are part of the largest strike currently unfolding in the United States, a powerful labor struggle involving over 17,000 CWA members across nine southeastern states. Their picket line is just one of four in the far-west of Florida’s panhandle.


By staff

Washington, DC – On August 28, flight attendants at United Airlines who are represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA) voted on whether or not to authorize a strike if needed in contract negotiations with the carrier. The flight attendants filed for federal mediation eight months ago, after working under what they call an amendable contract for the last three years. After not seeing the movement at the table that they needed, the flight attendants decided to take the next step let their members vote over whether to authorize a strike.

The results were loud and clear. A near unanimous majority of 99.99% of ballots cast voted to authorize a strike; over 90% of United flight attendants participated in the vote.


By Richard Berg

University of Illinois Health transplant and ICU nurse Maria Baba is an INA leader and member of the bargaining committee.  | Richard Berg/Fight Back! News

Chicago, IL – Working as a nurse in a large university hospital is a hard job. Large numbers of patients roll through. Vulnerable people look for hope, remedy and help. Despite this persistent pressure, hospital administrators ask for quick patient turnover. Supervisors ask overstressed nurses to do the work of housekeepers, food service, technical staff and others, who are often in short supply. Some doctors are nice, while others boss nurses around.