Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Salt Lake City, UT – The Utah Anti-War Committee plans to show that Salt Lake City won’t stand by idly while Trump pours gasoline onto the burning conflict in Syria. They’re calling for a protest Sunday afternoon, April 9, to denounce Trump’s missile attack, which has been callously disguised as a humanitarian response to the use of chemical weapons.


By Sean Taylor

Police detain pro-immigrant protester assaulted by Trump supporter

Salt Lake City, UT – One month after delivering demands for a sanctuary campus to the University of Utah administration, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) sat in and shut down their office on March 8.


By staff

Marching against Trump in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City, UT- On Jan. 19, 50 University of Utah students walked out of their classes at 11:50 a.m. to protest the Trump inauguration. The students marched despite a university-wide memo stating they will “not be excused.” Led by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), they gathered at Library Plaza to speak out against Trump’s bigoted agenda and demand a sanctuary campus for undocumented immigrant students.


By Gabriella Killpack

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Students for a Democratic Society of the University of Utah (U of U) is preparing to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump on Jan. 20. The protest will be held at the Wallace Federal Building on State Street and 1st South, at 7 p.m., followed by a march to the Utah State Capitol building.


By Sean Taylor

Salt Lake City, UT – Over 600 people rallied at the Salt Lake City and County Building on Nov. 9 to protest President-elect Trump. Grassroots activist groups are mobilizing against the women haters, bigoted racists, and Wall Street bankers, all championed by Donald Trump.


By Megan Faye Barnhurst

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On Sept. 27, 25 students rallied and marched on the University of Utah campus demanding “Education for all!”


By staff

Utah students kick off the semester by demanding education for all.

Salt Lake City, UT – Thirty students joined Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of Utah Marriott Library Plaza on Aug. 30. Utah SDS is demanding state-funded scholarships for undocumented students as part of the national SDS campaign “Education for all!”


By Sean Taylor

Utah rally in Solidarity with Palestine

Salt Lake City, UT – Fifteen people joined Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) outside the Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building, Aug. 27, in solidarity with Palestine after the most recent attacks. The week before, over 50 airstrikes were launched in less than an hour by the apartheid state Israel against Gaza. The barrage was the worst since Operation Protective Edge in 2014 which killed over 2100 Palestinians.


By Gregory Murray

Speaker at Utah rally addresses the recent attacks on the Fourth Amendment

Salt Lake City, UT – Utah activists rallied at Washington Square, July 31, to address the recent attacks on the Fourth Amendment and demand a Community Controlled Police Review Board to curb police crimes. Organizers called the rally in response to the Supreme Court decision in Strieff v. Utah, which makes it legal for the state to prosecute individuals using illegally obtained evidence.


By Nick Godfrey

Some of the participants in FRSO Marxist-Leninist day school in Utah

Salt Lake City, UT – Members of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) presented the basics of Marxism-Leninism to a group of 30 community members, students, and local organizers on July 9. The presenters focused on the fundamentals of capitalism and socialism, the struggle of oppressed nationalities in the U.S. and abroad, and the need for a communist party of the multinational working class.