Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Gabriella Killpack

Protest confronts Ben Shapiro on Utah campus.

Salt Lake City – 400 people gathered to protest Ben Shapiro’s speaking spot, Sept. 27, on the University of Utah Campus. The protest was led by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and Black Lives Matter-SLC with the demand that hate speech has no place on campus and would be met with counter-protest. Ian Decker of SDS wrote a letter to the editor of the Salt Lake Tribune and said, “We have no shame in saying that we intend to shut down Ben Shapiro.”


By Sean Taylor

SDS leads a march in SLC to defend DACA.

Salt Lake City, UT — Over 100 people joined Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) to protest Donald Trump’s repeal of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Sept. 15, at the Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building downtown.


By staff

Salt Lake City, UT — Some 150 people gathered in front of Salt Lake City’s public safety building to call for the immediate firing of Salt Lake City Police Department’s Jeff Payne, the cop who assaulted and arrested nurse Alex Wubbles.


By Gregory Murray

Salt Lake City protest demands end to war on homeless people.

Salt Lake City, UT — More than 50 people gathered in the heart of Salt Lake City on August 22 to protest the ongoing “Operation Rio Grande,” an act of police violence that has displaced hundreds of homeless people and led to over 400 arrests in just a few days.


By staff

Protesters rally against Trump's war threats in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City, UT — Demonstrators gathered in downtown Salt Lake City to protest Trump’s threats of war on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, August 19. They chanted, “Money for jobs and education, not for war and occupation!” as cars honked horns in support.


By staff

Thousands of protesters took over Washington Square in downtown Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City, UT — In the wake of the brutal Nazi attack in Charlottesville, Virginia, Utahns gathered in downtown Salt Lake City. They condemned American fascists and racists, and called on people to fight back against the rise of right-wing terrorism and hate.


By Gabriella Killpack

On the picket line in Utah.

Salt Lake City, UT – 50 union members and supporters picketed the AT&T store, May 21, in South Jordan, Utah in support of the Communication Workers of America’s three-day strike. CWA members discouraged AT&T customers from crossing the picket line, asking that they support their fight for good jobs and return tomorrow when the strike would be over. Strikers and supporters had a high energy throughout the rainy day. They played union songs and chanted “No contract, no peace!”


By Sean Taylor

Theresa Nielson, a member of the FRSO, addresses the crowd

Salt Lake City, UT – Over 150 people rallied in downtown Salt Lake to celebrate May 1, International Workers Day. Hosted by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), the event assembled activists and organizers from a wide array of progressive groups in the valley, including Students for a Democratic Society, Utah Against Police Brutality, Workers World Party as well as many new people eager to get involved in local politics.


By staff

Salt Lake City, UT – On May 1, Salt Lake City’s Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) will host a rally for May Day, International Workers’ Day. It will bring together laborers, immigrants, oppressed nationalities and all those in Utah who want to fight back against Trump and the system that allows his hate to flourish. Organizer say “Not one more deportation!” and “End attacks on the working class!”


By Nick Godfrey

Salt Lake City protests police violence, calls for DA’s resignation

Salt Lake City, UT – Heavy winds blew and rain fell on Utah anti-police-brutality activists, April 8, but they stood defiant, refusing to let weather dilute their message that prosecutors must drop the ridiculous charges against Abdullahi “Abdi” Mohamed, who was shot and paralyzed by Salt Lake City police last year.