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No war on Syria! Sunday protest in Salt Lake City will denounce Trump’s attacks

By staff

Salt Lake City, UT – The Utah Anti-War Committee plans to show that Salt Lake City won’t stand by idly while Trump pours gasoline onto the burning conflict in Syria. They’re calling for a protest Sunday afternoon, April 9, to denounce Trump’s missile attack, which has been callously disguised as a humanitarian response to the use of chemical weapons.

Organizers from AWC said that no good can come from escalated intervention, pointing out that while some in the U.S. seem to think it will make things better for Syrians, the opposite is actually true. Millions have already been killed or displaced, and the U.S. has shown it does not care at all about civilian deaths. And intervention risks further military actions from Russia and even possibly Israel.

The best thing for Syria, organizers said, is for the U.S. to stay away. They’ll be chanting “Hands off Syria,” “End U.S. wars everywhere,” and “Syria is not the enemy! War is not the answer!” They encourage people to bring anti-war signs and chants with them to the protest.

“When rich imperialists start wars,” said committee member Theresa Nielson, “it’s the working class who suffer and die, in this case Syrians who have already faced years of pain and bloodshed. U.S. bombs help no one, but the 1%.”

The protest will take place at the Wallace F. Bennett Federal building at 4 p.m. in downtown Salt Lake City. All are invited to attend.

#SaltLakeCityUT #AntiwarMovement #US #PeoplesStruggles #UtahAntiWarCommittee #DonaldTrump

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