Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Salt Lake May Day rally at federal building

By Sean Taylor

Theresa Nielson, a member of the FRSO, addresses the crowd

Salt Lake City, UT – Over 150 people rallied in downtown Salt Lake to celebrate May 1, International Workers Day. Hosted by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), the event assembled activists and organizers from a wide array of progressive groups in the valley, including Students for a Democratic Society, Utah Against Police Brutality, Workers World Party as well as many new people eager to get involved in local politics.

Speakers recounted the radical working-class history of May Day, denounced Trump’s anti-worker and anti-immigrant agenda, and called for community power and organization outside of Democrat and Republican establishment politics.

“We must understand the world not through the big billionaires and warmongers at the top, but through our own eyes, and understand that we don’t function in society as ‘temporarily embarrassed billionaires’ but that we are the makers and shakers of society,” said Gabriella Killpack, a member of Teamster Local 222.

She continued, “We created the buildings and streets around us, yet we get less than pennies on the dollar for the value we create. With that understanding, we can learn how to forge a better world from the ashes of the old.”

Theresa Nielson, a member of the FRSO, closed out the rally, “We are not just here to celebrate, we are here to unite as working-class and oppressed people, to build organization, and build working class power in opposition to the power of the ruling one percent. Take May Day as the day to organize your workplace and fight back!”

#SaltLakeCityUT #ImmigrantRights #Labor #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganization #Socialism #Mayday

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