Salt Lake City prepares a march against Trump's inauguration
Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here. SDS to protest Trump in Salt Lake City.
(Fight Back! News/Staff)
Students for a Democratic Society of the University of Utah (U of U) is preparing to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump on Jan. 20. The protest will be held at the Wallace Federal Building on State Street and 1st South, at 7 p.m., followed by a march to the Utah State Capitol building.
SDS of UoU has led several protests against Trump. In March of 2016, Trump campaigned in Salt Lake City and was met with over 2500 protesters. Within the week of the election that made Trump the president-elect, SDS took part in organizing a march with Utah Against Police Brutality and Utah Anti-War Committee, which had over 3000 people in attendance.
According to a statement form protest organizers, “We must not only oppose this agenda in words, but in action. We do this by hitting the streets, organizing our communities and organizing on university campuses to fight for real change for the people!”
This protest will be one of many across the country protesting Trump from day one.
Facebook event:
#SaltLakeCityUT #StudentMovement #US #PeoplesStruggles #StudentsForADemocraticSocietySDS #Elections #2016Elections
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