Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Delegation of U.S. Peace Council meets with President Maduro

Caracas, Venezuela – The U.S. Peace Council delegation to Venezuelan met with President Maduro for several hours at the Presidential Palace, March 15. President Maduro told the anti-war organizers that the U.S. attack on the electrical system was delivered three ways: a cyber-attack to the main brain of the system which was made in Houston, electromagnetically, and with explosions at two other stations. The system is now almost fully up again.


By staff

U.S. Peace Council delegation in Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela – A U.S. Peace Council Delegation of 13 people representing anti-war organizations from the United States and Canada arrived in Venezuela this week on a solidarity mission with the Venezuelan people and the Maduro government at a time of unprecedented attacks by the U.S. The latest is a cyber-attack and sabotage of the entire electrical system, which resulted in a total blackout of the country with the aim of provoking the people to rise up against their government. Despite the hardships of no electricity and water, this attack failed as people rallied around their government and the gains of the Bolivarian revolution. As of Wednesday, March 13, 75% of the power has been restored and by Monday it will be fully restored.

#CaracasVenezuela #Caracas #AntiwarMovement #Venezuela #PeoplesStruggles #NicolásMaduro #Americas

By Sean Orr

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Chicago, IL – “The most vile, criminal, cruel and dirty attack that has ever been committed against the people of Venezuela,” – this is how President Nicolás Maduro described the attack on the country's electrical grid, which cut electricity to 90% of its population on March 7. Five days later, power has been restored to most major cities, but much work needs to be done to fully restore the national grid.


By staff

Denver, CO – Some 30 anti-war activists gathered on the 16th Street Mall in downtown Denver for a demonstration and informational picket, called by the Denver Peace Council, to protest the Trump administration’s plans for a coup d’état in Venezuela. This action was part of the international day of action of February 23, called by a broad coalition of peace groups worldwide.


By Jim Byrne

Protest in Tuscon, AZ against U.S. intervention in Venezuela.

Tucson, AZ - At the Annual Tucson Peace Fair, February 23, the Tucson Anti War Committee organized a short march through the event to draw attention to maneuvers of Trump and U.S. imperialism against Venezuela. On the international day of action calling for “No War on Venezuela,” to celebrate one month of successful resistance to the coup attempt against President Maduro, the solidarity activists shouted, “Hands off Venezuela” and drew supporters to the march from the crowd and the groups tabling.


By Sean Orr

Supporters of President Nicolás Maduro rally.

Chicago, IL – The eyes of the world are on the Venezuela-Colombia border, as the forces of reaction – the Trump administration, the Lima Group led by Colombia and Brazil, and the far-right Venezuelan opposition – attempt to provoke an invasion of Venezuela under the guise of ‘humanitarian aid.’


By staff

Maria Moreno, financial secretary of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) speaking o

Chicago, IL – Over 50 activists gathered in Federal Plaza in downtown Chicago on the night of February 5, to rally in solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution. Organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), the event brought together progressive political organizations and trade unions to demand an end to U.S. aggression and threats of war with Venezuela.


By staff

Chicago, IL – A Chicago protest to demand an end to U.S war moves against Venezuela is set for Tuesday, February 5, 5:30 p.m., at the Federal Plaza, (219 S. Dearborn Street.)


By Sean Orr

President Maduro with trade unionists.

Chicago, IL – The contradictions at the heart of Venezuelan society have burst asunder. A fierce struggle is now underway to determine the foundations of the country's future. The Venezuelan bourgeoisie have wholeheartedly decided that they are willing to endure civil war and foreign invasion so long as it leads to the repression of the upright masses. The working class and other popular sectors, meanwhile, can no longer tolerate the economic suffering inflicted upon them from the business owners, and are ready to do battle against any invaders that seek to return their class enemies to power.


By Students for a Democratic Society

Tallahassee SDS protests U.S. intervention in Venezuela.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Students for a Democratic Society (National).