Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Mientras los venezolanos celebran la inauguración del Presidente Maduro el 10 de enero, la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad saluda la Revolución Bolivariana, el Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV), y sobre todo al Presidente Maduro por otra gran victoria. Superando las sanciones estadounidenses, la interferencia electoral y las mentiras, el pueblo de Venezuela ha triunfado una vez más.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

As Venezuelans celebrate the inauguration of President Maduro on January 10, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization salutes the Bolivarian Revolution, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), and especially President Maduro on another great victory! Overcoming U.S. sanctions, election interference and lies, the people of Venezuela have triumphed once again.


By Jim Byrne

On Monday September 2, the U.S. government seized the official presidential plane of Venezuela, often used by President Nicolas Maduro. The Biden administration had Dominican authorities do their dirty work, stealing the plane while it was on the island for maintenance. It was then flown to Miami, where stolen goods and illegal shipments often enter the United States.

This theft is a pathetic attempt to wrestle some control over the independent nation that recently re-elected the former union bus driver as its president. It is a direct violation of Venezuela’s sovereignty, using U.S. economic sanctions as cover.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Freedom Road Socialist Organization congratulates President Nicolás Maduro and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) for the decisive victory in Venezuela’s election. The decision of the Venezuelan people to carry forward the Bolivarian revolution is a win for working and oppressed people everywhere. By defeating the pro-imperialist opposition, Venezuela will remain free and independent – a beacon of hope for oppressed people everywhere.


By staff

President Maduro raises his fist. The photo is taken from the side on the ground while Maduro is up on a stage.

Caracas, Venezuela – “A PSUV victory is the most important present for Commander Hugo Chavez. Today, July 28, is the anniversary of his birthday, the same day as the popular triumph of the people,” says international observer Diakaridia Diakita, the president of the youth of the Yelema party in the Republic of Mali. PSUV stands for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela.


By staff

President Maduro raises his hand in triumph in front of a group of onlookers

Caracas, Venezuela – “Hasta la victoria! El pueblo unido jamás se ha vencido!” tens of thousands chanted, filling the streets, in the rally for President Nicolás Maduro on July 26.


By Angel Naranjo

UIC students hold forum on the ongoing immigration crisis. | Fight Back! News/staff

Chicago, IL – On January 24, over 60 people crowded the Latino Cultural Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) to join a discussion with Juan González of the Great Cities Institute and David Ramirez of the Cuban Embassy around the current immigrant crisis and its root causes. The discussion was co-hosted by two campus groups: New Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at UIC and Mexican Students de Aztlán (MeSA) at UIC.


By staff

Miami protest demands freedom for Alex Saab. | Fight Back! News/staff

Miami, FL – Alex Saab, a Venezuelan diplomat, is now free after long negotiations between Venezuela’s government and the U.S. State Department. Saab flew back to Venezuela on Wednesday, December 20 into the waiting arms of his wife, Camilla Fabri Saab. He will be able to hug his children after more than three years of detention and imprisonment by the U.S. government.


By staff

NYC event in solidarity with Cuba and Venezuela | Fight Back! News/staff

New York City, NY – On Saturday, September 23, more than 500 anti-war organizers and activists from across the United States converged for “Voices of Dignity: The People vs. Blockades,” an evening program in support of Cuba and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The event was hosted by the Let Cuba Live Coalition and took place at the Society for Ethical Culture of New York .


By Drake Myers

Minneapolis protest demands freedom for Alex Saab.

Minneapolis, MN – On May 7, a couple dozen activists gathered at the busy intersection of Minneapolis’ Chicago and Lake Streets for a rally as part of the international “Week for Alex Saab” called by the Committee to Free Alex Saab. Speakers from different movements gave messages of solidarity with Venezuela’s kidnapped diplomat and connected Alex Saab’s struggle to a broader history of U.S. imperialism and repression. Many cars honked in support of the “Hands off Venezuela” signs and passersby stayed to listen to the speeches.


By Ryan Hamann

FRSO reportback on visit to Venezuela.

Milwaukee, WI – More than 20 people filled a room at the Urban Ecology Center in the Silver City neighborhood on April 29 to hear a report from Freedom Road Socialist Organization member Omar Flores on his recent trip to Venezuela. Flores was one part of a FRSO delegation that was invited to participate in a special conference that coincided with the tenth anniversary of the death of Comandante Hugo Chavez, the former Venezuelan president and one of the primary figures behind the ongoing Bolivarian Revolution.


By staff

Alex Saab

Grand Rapids, MI – The Committee to Free Alex Saab is calling all anti-war and international solidarity activists, community and immigrant rights organizers, labor unionists and students to join in an international week of action to Free Alex Saab.


By Andrew Josefchak

Venezuelans demand freedom for Alex Saab.

Caracas, Venezuela – It has now been more than 1000 days since Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab was first kidnapped by the U.S. government on the island of Cabo Verde, off the west coast of Africa. Since then, he’s been subjected to physical, psychological and chemical torture and moved to a federal detention center in Miami, Florida.


By Drake Myers

Farmers market in Caracas.

Caracas, Venezuela – On March 4 a member of the Minnesota Anti-War Committee visited the Feria Conuquera Agroecológico (Agroecological Small Farmer's Market) in Caracas’ Caobos Park and interviewed activist and biologist Giselle Perdomo. Perdomo, who organizes the farmer’s market, detailed how U.S. sanctions have impacted both the struggle for food sovereignty and her own family.


By staff

Protesters gather at Armstrong Park before taking the streets.

New Orleans, LA – On March 11, protesters took to the streets to demand the release of Venezuelan diplomat and political prisoner Alex Saab. The march began at Armstrong Park, where activist Simon Miscenich of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization spoke on the details of Alex Saab’s kidnapping and impending trial.


By staff

Members of the FRSO delegation with Camila Fabri Saab.

Caracas, Venezuela – Friday, March 3 was the first day of an international anti-imperialist conference in Venezuela held to commemorate the legacy and continuing struggle of the late Venezuelan President and leader of the Bolivarian Revolution Hugo Chavez. A delegation of Chicano and Latino members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), led by long time Chicano activist Carlos Montes, were invited to attend by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).


By staff

Revolutionary murals in downtown Caracas.

Caracas, Venezuela – The Freedom Road Socialist Organization delegation to Venezuela visited downtown Caracas, March 2, and spoke with working-class Venezuelan people. Delegation members include Chicano activist Carlos Montes, student organizer Enya Silva and anti-police crimes activist Omar Flores.


By staff

FRSO delegation in Caracas.

Caracas. Venezuela – On March 1, a Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) delegation landed in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas. Members of FRSO report being shown great hospitality from the Venezuelan people. These members of FRSO were invited to attend an anti-imperialist conference being hosted in Caracas.


By Tom Burke

Chicago, IL- 2022 was a banner year for the Venezuelan economy. The Venezuelan Central Bank recorded a 19% growth rate, while the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America put it at 12%. While inflation of food and gas prices ate at workers' income in the U.S. and much of the world this past year, Venezuela inflation was low compared with previous years. This is due to booms in both food and oil sectors in Venezuela owing to the ability of the Bolivarian Revolution to overcome U.S. sanctions.


By staff

Miami, FL – A Miami judge ruled against freedom for Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab on December 24. In a two-week-long hearing to determine Saab’s diplomatic status and his right to immunity from prosecution, Saab’s defense team presented stacks of evidence proving his status as a special envoy. The defense even used documents from the U.S. government provided by the federal prosecutor, Alex Kramer, that stated as much. None of this made a difference to U.S. District Judge Robert Scola.

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