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Hands off Venezuela rally in Tucson

By Jim Byrne

Protest in Tuscon, AZ against U.S. intervention in Venezuela.

Tucson, AZ - At the Annual Tucson Peace Fair, February 23, the Tucson Anti War Committee organized a short march through the event to draw attention to maneuvers of Trump and U.S. imperialism against Venezuela. On the international day of action calling for “No War on Venezuela,” to celebrate one month of successful resistance to the coup attempt against President Maduro, the solidarity activists shouted, “Hands off Venezuela” and drew supporters to the march from the crowd and the groups tabling.

A brief rally was held, with speakers from the Alliance for Global Justice, Pima County Green Party, DSA Tucson, ISO, and International Marxist Tendency, as they all denounced the coup by Trump and Guaido as illegitimate and unpopular. As Venezuela expatriate counter-protesters tried to attack the government of President Maduro for rejecting phony ‘humanitarian aid,’ a few people shouted that Venezuela’s government has accepted real aid from China and Russia.

As Eduardo Cott read the statement from the Tucson Anti War Committee, he noted that “Sanctions kill” and that “ending the U.S. sanctions is equivalent to giving $12,000 to every person in Venezuela. I think that could go a lot farther than a few bags of rice.”

Tucson was one of hundreds of cities around the world that told Trump and his war criminal officials John Bolton and Eliot Abrams: Hands off Venezuela!

#TusconAZ #AntiwarMovement #Venezuela #US #Americas #PeoplesStruggles #NicolásMaduro #TucsonAntiWarCommittee #DonaldTrump #TucsonPeaceFair

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