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Denver protest slams U.S. intervention in Venezuela

By staff

Denver, CO – Some 30 anti-war activists gathered on the 16th Street Mall in downtown Denver for a demonstration and informational picket, called by the Denver Peace Council, to protest the Trump administration’s plans for a coup d’état in Venezuela. This action was part of the international day of action of February 23, called by a broad coalition of peace groups worldwide.

The date of February 23 is significant as it was the date given by the U.S. government as the last day for the Venezuelan government to accept U.S. ‘humanitarian aid’ on its Colombian border. This was despite the fact that the Venezuelan government does not want this ‘aid’ as it wells knows that the aid is being used as a Trojan horse to further the U.S.’s coup. Both the International Red Cross and the UN have stated that there is no humanitarian crisis in this South American country. Venezuela has gladly received aid in the form of medicine from Russia, China and Cuba, among others, as it is help with no strings attached. It should be noted that most of the difficulties and shortages in the Venezuelan economy are caused by U.S. sanctions and economic sabotage by sectors of the local businessmen who work in concert with U.S. interests.

The Denver action, called by the Denver Peace Council, leafletted passing shoppers and traffic to give the community the message of “No war on Venezuela!” Activists from the Denver Peace Council, the Denver Peace and Justice Committee, and the ANSWER coalition gave speeches condemning the blatant acts of aggression by the U.S. and called for all peace-loving citizens of the United States to say no to war and demand an immediate end to sanctions on Venezuela.

#DenverCO #AntiwarMovement #Venezuela #PeoplesStruggles #NicolásMaduro #DenverPeaceCouncil #Americas

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