Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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International Workers Day march in Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI – Buses came in from at least 12 cities across Wisconsin to march for this year’s May Day celebration. Since 2006, an annual rally and march has been held in Milwaukee, with this being one of the largest gatherings to date.


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New York, NY – Several hundred gathered at Union Square on May 1 to celebrate International Workers Day. The event was one of several organized for the day and was put together by groups that are a part of the International League of People’s Struggles – North East.


By Meredith Aby

May Day march in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN – On May 1, a broad coalition of unions, workers organizations, immigrant rights groups and other community organizations held a unified march in Minneapolis. The march marked 100 days of resistance to Trump’s racist, anti-immigrant, anti-worker and anti-Muslim agenda. Even though the weather was cold and rainy, 2000 protesters loudly chanted in the streets, stopping rush hour traffic all over the city.


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Chicago, IL – Rasmea Odeh speaks to a massive crowd at the May Day rally at Union Park in Chicago, May 1. The International Workers Day action eventually grew to 20,000 people marching in the streets. Odeh, who represented the Arab American Action Network, highlighted organizing with Arab and Muslim immigrants to resist attacks coming from the Trump regime.

#ChicagoIL #ImmigrantRights #Labor #RasmeaOdeh #Mayday #PoliticalRepression

By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – Close to 300 activists took the streets on May 1, International Workers Day, to demand an end to attacks on immigrants and workers. The Tucson May Day Coalition saw participation from immigrant rights groups such as Derechos Humanos and LUPE as well as labor groups such as UFCW, CWA, teachers unions and a host other progressive organizations.


By Masao Suzuki

May Day in San José, CA.

San José, CA – On May 1, thousands gathered at the Mexican Heritage Plaza in the heart of the Chicano/Mexicano community in east San José to kick off May Day. They then marched through downtown to the Arena Greens park. The march was many times larger than the year before, and many unions and community groups were represented. In addition to traditional themes of immigrant and workers’ rights, there were many anti-Trump protesters as well.


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Minneapolis, MN – About 2000 people marched thought the streets of Minneapolis, May 1, International Workers Day. Organized by the Resist from Day One Coalition, the May Day march and rallies put forward demands for immigrant and workers' rights.

#MinneapolisMN #ImmigrantRights #MayDay #PeoplesStruggles #Antiracism #Trump #MinneapolisLabor

By staff

President of AFSCME Local 3800 speaking on upcoming May Day march.

Minneapolis, MN – At a press conference, April 28, leaders of the Resist from Day One Coalition, announced plans for May 1 rallies and strikes converging in unified march in Minneapolis on ‘Day without Immigrants’ for immigrant and workers' rights.


By staff

Salt Lake City, UT – On May 1, Salt Lake City’s Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) will host a rally for May Day, International Workers’ Day. It will bring together laborers, immigrants, oppressed nationalities and all those in Utah who want to fight back against Trump and the system that allows his hate to flourish. Organizer say “Not one more deportation!” and “End attacks on the working class!”


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

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En los EE.UU. el primero de mayo es un día de lucha para los inmigrantes y trabajadores. La Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad exhorta la importancia de unirse con los miles de millones de personas de todo el mundo que estarán marchando y celebrando el Dia Internacional de los Trabajadores.

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