Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Jess Sundin

Minneapolis, MN – An important victory came today, March 16, in the fight for justice for Jamar Clark, who was killed by Minneapolis police in November. For months, the family and community have been fighting for prosecution of those police, and saying no to the grand jury that Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman had said he would use to bring charges in the case. Today, Freeman announced that he has decided not to send this case to the grand jury, and to end the use of grand juries in police shootings in the county.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On Nov. 24, a Ferguson grand jury decision cleared police officer Darren Wilson of the murder of Michael Brown. Michael Brown was an 18-year-old African American youth shot and killed by the white police officer as he walked to his grandmother’s house in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9. Witnesses stated that Brown, who was unarmed, had his hands up in the air when officer Darren Wilson shot and killed him. With blatant disrespect to Michael Brown, his family and the neighborhood, the police left his body lying in the middle of the street for hours after the police killing.


By staff

St. Paul, MN – Two Minneapolis anti-war and international solidarity activists will be in federal court, Nov. 1, to demand an end to the government secrecy surrounding their case. Jess Sundin and Mick Kelly are two of the 23 Midwest activists targeted by an investigation that included two years of spying by undercover agents, Sept. 2010 raids of homes and offices in Minneapolis and Chicago by the FBI, and a secret Chicago grand jury.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Anti-war and civil liberties activists are set to protest Sep. 24, at the Minneapolis Federal Building, at 4:30 pm. They will be demanding an end to the three-year investigation of anti-war and international solidarity activists that began with FBI raids and grand jury subpoenas on September 24, 2010.


By David Newlin

Salt Lake City, UT – State-sponsored repression and infiltration of anti-war groups is nothing new. But it can certainly take on new and particularly nasty forms, as Jess Sundin can tell you.


By Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Free them now!

The Committee to Stop FBI Repression stands in solidarity with Northwest activists Katherine Olejnik and Matt Duran, who are currently being imprisoned for refusing to cooperate with a secret grand jury in Seattle. Leah-Lynn Plante was also unjustly jailed for refusing to testify before the grand jury and has been released.


By mick

Tracy Molm, of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression speaking at August 2 solidar

Minneapolis, MN – More than 40 people rallied outside the Federal Building here, August 2, in solidarity with the political activists who have been subpoenaed to a Seattle-based grand jury which is investigating anarchists. The protest coincided with the date that northwest political activists were called to the grand jury.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression on repression against Julian Assange.


By staff

_Stop FBI and grand jury repression _

Supporters of grand jury resister Jordan Halliday in front of the Federal Court

Minneapolis, MN – Supporters of grand jury resister Jordan Halliday gathered in front of the Federal Courts Building here, Jan 27. On Jan. 10, Jordan began serving out a ten-month prison sentence for refusing to appear before a federal grand jury investigating animal rights activists under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. The protest in Minneapolis was part of a national day of actions to raise awareness about Halliday’s case, the dangers of FBI repression and grand jury injustice. Attending the protest in Minneapolis were Sarah Martin and Jess Sundin, grand jury resisters in the case of 23 international solidarity activists under investigation for supposed material support for terrorism.

#MinneapolisMN #InJusticeSystem #FBI #grandJury #JordanHalliday #greenScare #PoliticalRepression

By staff

Minneapolis, MN – City Council members here signed a letter to Senators Amy Klobuchar, Al Franken and Representative Keith Ellison affirming constitutional rights of anti-war activists subpoenaed and raided by the FBI last year. The Committee to Stop FBI Repression published the letter on its website Nov. 15.


By Redacción

“Tenemos que ser fuertes y estar listos para cualquier cosa del gobierno”

Photo of Jess Sundin speaking in Minneapolis.

¡Lucha y Resiste! habló con Jess Sundin del Comité para Parar la Represion del FBI sobre los casos de los activistas llamados al Gran Jurado de Chicago. Sundin es una de las activistas que el FBI cateó el 24 de septiembre de 2010. La redacción de ¡Lucha y Resiste! quiere que todos nos ayuden a pasar esta información a la mayor cantidad de gente posible.

Leer más...

By staff

“We’ve got to stay strong and be ready for whatever the government throws at us next.”

Photo of Jess Sundin speaking in Minneapolis.

Fight Back! interviewed Jess Sundin, of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, on the latest developments in the case of the anti-war and international solidarity activists who were raided by the FBI and who received subpoenas to appear in front of the Chicago grand jury headed by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. Sundin is among those whose home was raided Sept. 24, 2010. The editors of Fight Back! urge our readers to forward this important interview as broadly as possible.


By Coalition to Protect People’s Rights

Bank accounts of Hatem and Naima Abudayyeh frozen

Hatem Abudayyeh speaking at April 9 anti-war protest in NYC

Update: Since the publication of this article, activists have learned that the U.S. Treasury Department, not the U.S. Attorney's office, is responsible for the account freezings. See this story for more details.


By mick

Photo of Chicago protest against FBI repression.

Chicago, IL – The Committee to Stop FBI Repression is undertaking a national effort to sign up thousands of people to a “Pledge to resist FBI, Grand Jury repression.”


By Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression urging participation in the March 8 national call in day to stop FBI and Grand Jury attacks on anti-war and international solidarity activists.


By John Catalinotto

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article from Workers World.


By staff

Oakland, CA – A crowd of 150 West Coast anti-war leaders and international solidarity activists met here, Feb. 12, at the Humanist Hall to help build a movement against the current wave of political repression emanating from U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald’s office in Chicago.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Fight Back News Service urges our readers to check out the following videos from the Feb. 12 midwest conference against the FBI and Grand Jury repression that was held in Chicago. The conference and benefit brought together about 200 activists from Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Missouri.


By staff

Protest in North Carolina against FBI, Grand jury repression

Chapel Hill, NC – A conference to address the recent FBI raids on anti-war and international solidarity activists’ homes and offices will take place Feb. 19 from 9:45 am until 5:00 pm at the UNC Law School on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The event is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided for a suggested $5 donation. Childcare will be available free of charge.


By Betsey Piette

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article from Workers World.

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