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Minneapolis protests Seattle grand Jury repression

By mick

Tracy Molm, of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression speaking at August 2 solidar

Minneapolis, MN – More than 40 people rallied outside the Federal Building here, August 2, in solidarity with the political activists who have been subpoenaed to a Seattle-based grand jury which is investigating anarchists. The protest coincided with the date that northwest political activists were called to the grand jury.

Carrie Feldman, an animal rights activist who served more than four months in jail for resisting a grand jury, told the crowd that it's important that West Coast activists know that we have their backs.

Tracy Molm, of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression stated, “We need to take action and stand in solidarity with those who are resisting the grand jury. That is how we will defeat repression.” Molm is one of the anti-war and international solidarity activists raided by the FBI and subpoenaed in 2010 to a grand jury investigating “material support for terrorism.”

On August 1, two activists subpoenaed to the grand jury, Dennison Williams and Leah-Lynn Plante, announced that that they will resist. Here is part of their statement:

“We will not cooperate with their investigation. If we appear before the grand jury, we will not answer any questions other than our names. If we are asked additional questions, we will invoke our First, Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights. Under no circumstances will we talk about other people.

“This grand jury is a tool of political repression. It is attempting to turn individuals against each other by coercing those subpoenaed to testify against their communities. The secret nature of grand jury proceedings creates mistrust and can undermine solidarity. And imprisoning us takes us from our loved ones and our responsibilities.

“But our passion for freedom is stronger than the state’s prisons. Our refusal to cooperate with the grand jury is a reflection of our own desires for a liberated world and our support for others who are working to bring that world into being. We support the efforts of all those who will be resisting this grand jury.”

Carrie Feldman speaking in solidarity with West Coast grand jury resistors.

Luce Guillén-Givins, of the RNC 8, at August 2 solidarity action.

#MinneapolisMN #CommitteeToStopFBIRepression #grandJury #politicalRepression

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