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Pledge to act against FBI, Grand Jury repression

By mick

Photo of Chicago protest against FBI repression.

Chicago, IL – The Committee to Stop FBI Repression is undertaking a national effort to sign up thousands of people to a “Pledge to resist FBI, Grand Jury repression.”

Tom Burke of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression states, “We are calling on people to sign a pledge to take action if anti-war and international solidarity activists are called to appear in front of the Chicago Grand Jury, or if activists are indicted. We are facing a witch hunt that aims to put peace and solidarity activist in jail.”

Burke notes that sign up material for the pledge is available for printing at the web site He urges that it be used widely at upcoming anti-war protests.

On Sept. 24, 2010, the FBI raided the homes of anti-war and international solidarity activists in Chicago and Minneapolis. As things stand, 23 activists, many involved in Palestine solidarity work, have received subpoenas to appear before the Grand Jury headed by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald.

Pledge to resist FBI, Grand Jury repression

Actions planned if anti-war and international solidarity activists are called to Grand Jury or indicted.

23 anti war and international solidarity activists have been subpoenaed to appear in front of a Grand Jury in Chicago, headed by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. They have done nothing wrong. They have educated and organized against U.S. wars around the world. And they have stood in solidarity with the peoples of Palestine and Colombia.

All 23 of the targeted activists said that they will not cooperate with this witch hunt against the movements so many of us have worked to build. The U.S. attorney is working to put these activists in prison. Whether some of them indicted, or others are jailed for refusing to testify, the threat is very real.

We pledge:

Anti-war and international solidarity activism is not a crime!

To sign the pledge go to:

#ChicagoIL #AntiwarMovement #InJusticeSystem #CommitteeToStopFBIRepression #grandJury

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