Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). Freedom Road Socialist Organization was one of the conference participants.

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) has successfully convened its third international theoretical conference from November 29-30 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on the topic of National Liberation from Imperialism.


By staff

A vigil with portraits on the ground with candles around them.

San Jose, CA – On the evening of Saturday, November 23, around 30 community members gathered at Saint James Park to honor members of the trans community who are no longer with us, as well as the Palestinians who have been martyred over the past year. The action was organized by the San Jose People’s Pride coalition.


By staff

Oakland, CA – Oakland has long been a cornerstone of the country’s revolutionary people’s movements, from the founding of the Black Panther Party to the enduring fight for justice against systemic racism and police violence. On the evening of November 19, at the 510 Firehouse Projects, this legacy was revisited as Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) Oakland, in collaboration with East Side Cultural Center’s Community Archival Resource Project (CARP), hosted a film screening centered around some of these historical moments.

Roughly 25 community members came together to watch two films that spotlight the city’s pivotal role in the fight for liberation: Agnès Varda’s Black Panthers 1968 and Shola Lynch’s Free Angela Davis and All Political Prisoners. The films offered not only a window into the past but a mirror reflecting the struggles and solidarity still needed in Oakland today.

Agnès Varda’s Black Panthers 1968 is an on-the-ground documentary capturing the resiliency of the Black Panther Party as they rallied to free Huey Newton, co-founder of the movement. Filmed in Oakland at the height of the Panthers’ activism, the film is a testament to their ability to unite working-class people and oppressed communities against police violence and systemic injustice. Varda’s work doesn’t just document history; it brings to life the defiant hope of the movement and its roots in the city’s streets.

The second film, Free Angela Davis and All Political Prisoners, is an account of Angela Davis’s trial and the international movement to secure her release. Davis, a scholar, communist and activist, was charged with crimes related to a 1970 courthouse shootout. Lynch’s documentary recounts the global solidarity campaign that demanded her freedom, framing it as both a personal and collective story of resistance. It’s a powerful reminder of what can be accomplished when movements cross borders and people stand united against oppression.

FRSO Oakland members led the program, situating these stories in Oakland’s broader revolutionary history. They reminded attendees of the Black Panther Party’s core mission – building unity between oppressed nationalities and working-class people to fight systemic inequality. They also illuminated the government’s counterattacks, particularly through COINTELPRO, the FBI’s covert program that sought to dismantle revolutionary movements.

The discussion didn’t stop with history. Participants connected the lessons of the films to ongoing struggles in Oakland, particularly the work of the newly formed Oakland Alliance Against Racism and Political Repression (OAARPR). This group, a local chapter of the national NAARPR which emerged from the fight to free Angela Davis, works alongside families of police violence victims and pushes for community control of the police.

In this context, the group also critiqued the failures of Oakland’s Community Police Review Agency, highlighting its ineffectiveness as a key example of the city's ongoing systemic issues with police corruption and violence. This discussion tied the historical and contemporary struggles together, underscoring the urgent need for real change.

Adding a tangible connection to the past, CARP displayed a collection of artifacts that captured the spirit of the Black Panthers and the Free Angela Davis campaigns. Old political pins reading “Free Angela Davis and all political prisoners” and “Black Panther Party: All power to the people” sat alongside the Panthers’ iconic “Ten-Point Program”, photo books, and pamphlets from the 1980s. These materials bridged generations, underscoring the enduring relevance of these struggles.

The films and discussions drove home a powerful message: the fight for justice is as urgent today as ever. In a city shaped by revolutionary victories and ongoing battles, the event called on everyone to organize, educate and resist with renewed purpose.

Oakland's legacy as a beacon for liberation movements lives on – not just in history books but in the work unfolding right now. From the Black Panther Party’s bold defiance to today’s campaigns for police accountability, the message resonated loud and clear, the struggle continues, and our commitment must match its urgency.

#OaklandCA #CA #OppressedNationalities #AfricanAmerican #BlackPanthers #NAARPR #FRSO #CARP

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On November 27, Lebanon and the U.S.-backed apartheid government of Israel enacted a ceasefire. Hezbollah, a powerful army in the Middle East fighting to free Palestine, fought Israel to a standstill. The Lebanese Army is already reporting that Israeli occupation forces have breached the terms of the ceasefire multiple times in the last two days.


By staff

Tampa SDS protest against Trump.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Tampa, FL – On Friday, November 22, Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a rally to say no to Trump as part of National SDS’s Day of Action on November 19 against Trump’s agenda.


By Kevin Shi

Seattle post election protest in support of progressive demands.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Seattle, WA – On Saturday afternoon, November 9, the people of Seattle rallied on the grounds of the Space Needle, seeking to build the people’s movement and fight war, repression and genocide in the wake of the Trump election.

Students, immigrants, activists and concerned locals wearing keffiyehs and holding anti-Trump and anti-war banners gathered despite the rain, chanting, “The people united will never be defeated! ¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!”


By staff

 Jacksonville, Florida protest after Trump election.

Jacksonville, FL – On November 7, Jacksonville community organizers gathered at the courthouse to denounce the recent election of Donald Trump as the 47th resident, following his victory.


By staff

November 6 post election protest in Dallas.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Dallas, TX – After the election outcome, November 6, Freedom Road Socialist Organization here held a 50-person rally in front of the Dallas City Hall.


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Entonces, sucedió. El tonto racista y reaccionario Donald Trump regresa a la Casa Blanca, y los republicanos dominarán el Congreso. La polarización de la vida política estadounidense se está agudizando y profundizando. Los revolucionarios y los progresistas tenemos una tarea difícil por delante.

Habrá mucho tiempo para analizar lo que sucedió en las elecciones, pero a la mañana siguiente algunas cosas quedaron claras. El liderazgo y los poderosos patrocinadores del Partido Demócrata son los únicos culpables del resultado. La campaña de Harris/Walz fue completamente insensible a las necesidades y aspiraciones de la clase trabajadora. De hecho, las dos palabras que no parecieron ser capaces de incluir en ninguno de sus discursos fueron “clase trabajadora.” En cambio, ofrecieron una triste mezcla de genocidio en Palestina, combinada con un llamado a los republicanos con educación universitaria, los “nunca Trump”. Y fracasaron.

Esta elección no se trató de buenas opciones. Desde el punto de vista de la OSCL y el movimiento anti-guerra, fue un referéndum sobre el genocidio en Palestina y una guerra más amplia en el Medio Oriente. Para muchos, la economía fue el tema principal. Al final del día, las malas opciones que se nos presentaron son una crítica al sistema capitalista.

Necesitamos entender que vienen grandes ataques. El movimiento obrero estará bajo fuego y habrá intentos de erosionar nuestro nivel de vida. Los intolerantes en Washington, D.C. harán lo que puedan para promover la desigualdad y habrá ataques contra las nacionalidades oprimidas, incluyendo a las personas negras, los chicanos y latinos, los asiático-americanos, los árabe-americanos y otros. Los derechos de los inmigrantes serán un objetivo especial. Existe una cruda misoginia que odia a las mujeres en el mundo de Trump, y podemos esperar más medidas para restringir nuestros derechos reproductivos. Del mismo modo, podemos esperar ataques contra las personas LGBTQ. Y el genocidio en Palestina continuará bajo Trump.

La buena noticia es que esta guerra contra el pueblo no va a ser unilateral. Es completamente posible y necesario construir movimientos populares fuertes que sean capaces de una resistencia seria. Este no es el momento para agachar la cabeza. Es momento de unir a todos los que puedan unirse para derrotar la agenda reaccionaria de Trump. La prueba no es cuántas cosas malas podemos decir sobre él—es un pedazo de basura reaccionaria, así que diremos muchas. Pero el verdadero desafío que tenemos por delante es cuánta gente podemos sacar a la calle. A quienes se sienten un poco desanimados o desmoralizados, podemos ofrecerles la esperanza de la resistencia. Tenemos la capacidad para luchar y ganar.

El imperio estadounidense está en decadencia y Trump es un síntoma. Vamos a construir la lucha. Vamos a fortalecer las organizaciones del pueblo y mostrar algo de coraje en los sindicatos. No vamos a retroceder. Vamos hacia adelante, y lo vamos a hacer con la mayor cantidad de gente posible. ¡Juntos podemos hacer que este país sea ingobernable!

#PeoplesStruggles #Trump #FRSO #OSCL #espanol #statement

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The re-election of Donald Trump and the dominance of Republicans in Congress sends a loud and painful message: the system is broken, and those at the helm don’t care about working people, oppressed nationalities, or the marginalized. We in the Freedom Road Socialist Organization understand that the time is now to channel our rage, dissatisfaction and hope for a different future into something revolutionary.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

So, it happened. The racist, reactionary fool Donald Trump is returning to the White House, and Republicans will dominate Congress. The polarization of American political life is sharpening and deepening. Revolutionaries and progressives have some heavy lifting ahead of us.

There is going to be plenty of time to analyze what happened in the election, but on the morning after, some things are clear. The leadership and wealthy backers of the Democratic Party have only themselves to blame for the outcome. The Harris/Walz campaign was tone-deaf to the needs and aspirations of working people. In fact, the two words that they seemed unable to work into any of their speeches were “working class.” Instead, they offered a sad mixture of genocide in Palestine, combined with an appeal to college-educated, “never Trump” Republicans. And they failed.


By staff

Chicago students rally in support of Cuba.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Chicago, IL – On Tuesday, October 29, over 50 student and community activists gathered in the quad at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) to demand an end to the illegal U.S. blockade of Cuba. This solidarity action was prompted because on October 30, the United Nations was set to vote on a resolution submitted by Cuba calling for an end to the brutal blockade imposed by the United States government.


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

La OSCL urge a nuestros miembros y simpatizantes a que salgan a las calles y organicen las protestas más amplias posibles el día después de las elecciones del 5 de noviembre. Sin importar el resultado, debemos seguir apoyando a Palestina y oponernos a la guerra cada vez más amplia de los Estados Unidos/Israel en el Medio Oriente. Y debemos avanzar una agenda progresista que defienda los derechos de los inmigrantes, los trabajadores, las personas LGBTQ, las mujeres y los derechos reproductivos.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

FRSO urges our members and supporters to take to the streets and organize the broadest possible protests the day after the November 5 elections. No matter what the outcome, we must continue to stand with Palestine and oppose the ever-widening U.S./Israel war in the Middle East. And we must advance a progressive agenda that defends the rights of immigrants, workers, LGBTQ people, women’s and reproductive rights.


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Las próximas elecciones presidenciales son un referéndum sobre el genocidio patrocinado por los Estados Unidos en Palestina y la guerra más amplia que los Estados Unidos e Israel están librando en el Medio Oriente. La administración Biden/Harris está coordinando el ataque a Irán, y los Estados Unidos ha enviado tropas y misiles a Israel. Hay un mínimo de 44.000 muertos en Gaza, e Israel está lanzando bombas de 2.000 libras sobre las ciudades del Líbano. Aunque debería ser obvio que un reaccionario racista como Trump no merece un voto, Kamala Harris tampoco lo merece.


By Mick Kelly, FRSO Political Secretary

Por Mick Kelly, Secretario Político, Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad (OSCL).

Este documento, escrito por Mick Kelly, Secretario Político de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad (OSCL), fue presentado en la conferencia internacional titulada “Stalin: Las enseñanzas para la lucha de los comunistas de hoy”. La conferencia del 15 de octubre se celebró en Milán, Italia y fue organizada por el Partito dei CARC (Partido CARC), la Resistenza Popolare Milano (Resistencia Popular de Milán) y la Associazione Stalin (Asociación Stalin). También participaron el Partido Comunista de Cuba y el Partido Comunista de Filipinas. El documento fue presentado en la conferencia por el organizador nacional de la OSCL, Andy Koch.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The upcoming presidential election is referendum on the U.S.-sponsored genocide in Palestine and the broader war that the U.S. and Israel are waging in the Middle East. The Biden/Harris administration is coordinating the attack on Iran, and the U.S. has dispatched troops and missiles to Israel. There is a minimum of 44,000 dead in Gaza, and Israel is raining 2000-pound bombs down on the cities of Lebanon. While it should go without saying that a reactionary racist like Trump does not deserve a vote, Kamala Harris doesn’t either.


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

La Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad condena enérgicamente los ataques del Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos y las autoridades canadienses contra la Red de Solidaridad con los Prisioneros Palestinos Samidoun (Samidoun). La Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros (OFAC) del Departamento del Tesoro alega que Samidoun es una “caridad vergonzosa”, una acusación que está diseñada para criminalizar la solidaridad con Palestina. Instamos a todos los progresistas o a quienes están preocupados por las libertades civiles a solidarizarse con Samidoun contra la represión política.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Freedom Road Socialist organization strongly condemns the attacks by the U.S. Treasury Department and Canadian authorities on Samidoun: Palestinian Political Prisoner Network. The Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) claims that Samidoun is a “sham charity,” an allegation that is designed to criminalize solidarity with Palestine. We urge everyone who is progressive or concerned about civil liberties to stand with Samidoun against political repression.

The U.S government has devised a host of laws that treat movements for national liberation, be they in Palestine or the Philippines or points in between, as “terrorism.” As a result, almost every group that is fighting to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine is on the U.S. State Department’s list of designated terrorist organizations. And it gets worse. Under the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, folks can face long prison terms for “material support of terrorism.” It’s a legal framework that tries to make solidarity a crime. These laws should be scrapped.


By Ulises Ramos

Dallas, TX - Roughly 40 people sat down Sunday October 12 at Pan-African Connection in Oak Cliff to expand their knowledge and understanding of policing at home and abroad at an ongoing series of town halls held by National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR) Dallas.