Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Caracas, Venezuela – The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) labor delegation met with space program officials, March 11, at the Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities. Pictured are Adolfo Godoy, the president of ABAE; Mariano Imbert, the manager of Commercial Development; Salvador Lugo, the vice minister of Science and Technology, along with members of the FRSO delegation.

#CaracasVenezuela #Caracas #Labor #Venezuela #Americas #PeoplesStruggles #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganizationFRSO #Socialism #BolivarianSpaceAgency

By satya

Tallahassee, FL – In honor of International Women’s Day, Tallahassee residents attended a panel discussion on the origins and impacts of the socialist holiday.


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Jess Sundin

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following speech delivered by Freedom Road Socialist Organization leader Jess Sundin, at the Twin Cities celebration of International Women’s Day.


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FRSO Political Secretary Steff Yorek speaking at Washington DC rally against Tru

Minneapolis, MN – Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s Political Secretary Steff Yorek stated today, March 4, “As COVID-19 spreads here in the United States, the potential exists for the corporate health care system to be overwhelmed. American capitalism has developed a health care system that’s poorly equipped to do basic public health. There is no profit in disease prevention.”


By Jess Sundin

Frank Chapman speaking in the South High library, at Black History Month event.

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of people came out for several events marking Black History month with Chicago’s Frank Chapman, who is a leading member of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.


By Jim Byrne

Members of Bolarivian Militia with some of the FRSO delegation

Caracas, Venezuela – During the World Anti-Imperialist Congress, members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) delegation talked with women in the Bolivarian Militia. The Bolivarian Militia was created in 2005 in response to U.S. intervention. As of December 2019, President Maduro said he is moving toward making the Militia into “combat units” within the Armed Forces. In 2019, with multiple U.S.-backed coup attempts to install Juan Guaidó in place of democratically elected President Maduro, the Bolivarian Militia nearly doubled to 3.3 million members in a country of around 30 million people. Their role and responsibilities have increased in that time as Maduro assigned them to the food distribution program in May 2019.


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Milwaukee protest against a U,S. war on Iran.

Milwaukee, WI – On January 25, around 40 people gathered at the intersection of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive and North Avenue to protest the ongoing U.S. war in Iraq and the threat of war with Iran. The protesters occupied each of the four street corners and took to chanting before running through a short lineup of speakers.


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Caracas, Venezuela – Members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) delegation Sarah Martin and Jim Byrne, with Syrian Ambassador to Venezuela Khalil Bitar, attending World Anti-Imperialist Congress in Caracas.

#CaracasVenezuela #Caracas #AntiwarMovement #OppressedNationalities #Venezuela #MiddleEast #Americas #PeoplesStruggles #Syria #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganizationFRSO #WorldAntiImperialistCongress

By staff

FRSO delegates with Gladys Requena (second from left), Vice President of Venezue

Caracas, Venezuela – Hundreds of delegates arrived in Caracas from around the world, January 21, the eve of the World Anti-Imperialist Congress. The Congress is being held January 22-24 in Caracas and is hosted by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Venezuela's governing party, which has been under sharp attack by U.S. imperialism.


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Participants in Baltimore march against war and racism.

Baltimore, MD – Several dozen Baltimore community activists and youth endured sleet, hail, snow and rain to stage a march January 18 from East to West Baltimore and to downtown to draw the connections to ongoing war and racism with food stamp cuts and workers’ rights.