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Baltimore marchers brave sleet and snow to resist war and racism

By staff

Participants in Baltimore march against war and racism.

Baltimore, MD – Several dozen Baltimore community activists and youth endured sleet, hail, snow and rain to stage a march January 18 from East to West Baltimore and to downtown to draw the connections to ongoing war and racism with food stamp cuts and workers’ rights.

The group rallied at Penn North, the neighborhood of Freddie Gray, and ended at Lexington Market. Organizers reported that the response was deeply encouraging. The group then held a car caravan to a general assembly of the FMLN (Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front) of the Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia region.

The march was initiated by the Peoples Power Assembly and endorsed by dozens of groups including Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

#BaltimoreMD #AntiwarMovement #PeoplesStruggles #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganizationFRSO #Antiracism #PeoplesPowerAssembly

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