Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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_Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC) still needed _

Washington DC – Statistics released by the federal government on Jan. 27 indicate that high unemployment rates persist in a good number of states. California, home to almost 40 million people and the most populous state in the U.S., has an unemployment rate of 7%. In December, Mississippi had the highest unemployment rate of all states, coming in at 7.2%. Topping the list is Washington D.C., with an unemployment rate of 7.3%. Rhode Island and Nevada are also plagued by high unemployment.


By staff

Washington DC – In a speech before the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute here, Sept. 18, the Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner denounced jobless workers and said that they needed to be brought into “the mainstream of American society.”


By Masao Suzuki

Result of the federal cutoff of Extended Unemployment Benefits?

San José, CA – On Sept. 5, the Department of Labor’s monthly report on the job market said that employment grew more slowly in August. There was a rise of only 142,000 jobs, much less than the average of about 240,000 for the last six months. In addition, the Labor Department revised down the job gains for June and July by 28,000.


By staff

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St. Paul, MN – Members of the Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) gathered outside Governor Mark Dayton’s mansion here, Sept. 4, to demand the governor, along with the Minnesota state government, provide public assistance to everyone who needs it and that they increase the welfare grants.


By staff

EUC stalled in Congress

Washington, DC – Unemployment rates ticked upwards in 30 states, according to an Aug. 18 report from the federal government’s U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Ohio, Maryland and South Carolina had the largest job losses. Mississippi has the country’s highest unemployment rate, at 8%. Meanwhile, Congress is in recess until September.


By staff

Washington, DC – Data released by the federal government July 18 show that many states continue to suffer from consistently high rates of unemployment. House Republican leaders are blocking efforts to restore emergency benefits for the long-term unemployed.


By staff

Washington, DC – Noting that hundreds of thousands of the long-term unemployed are veterans, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi urged fellow legislators pass a measure to restore emergency unemployment benefits, at a press conference here June 19.


By staff

Socialist leader condemns government inaction

Washington, DC – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stated in a June 6 press statement, “It is my hope that Congress can still act on extending unemployment. This vital lifeline is so critical to struggling families in Nevada and throughout the country.”


By Masao Suzuki

San José, CA – On June 6, the Labor Department released the May report on the job market. While the unemployment stayed the same at 6.3%, a broader measure, called the labor force participation rate, remained at a 35 year low, of 62.8%. The labor force participation measures both those working and looking for work as a fraction of the adult population. At 62.8%, this is lowest rate since March of 1978, when far fewer women were in the workforce.


By staff

Battle likely to continue into summer

Washington, DC – House speaker John Boehner (R-OH) still refuses to allow a vote on legislation to restore unemployment compensation to the long-term jobless. In a May 21 statement on job training, Boehner failed to address the predicament of the nearly 3 million workers who have been hit by the failure of Congress to restore Extended Unemployment Benefits.


By staff

Washington, DC – Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez urged an immediate vote on bill to extend benefits for the long term jobless in a May 7 letter to Republican House Speaker John Boehner. Perez also stated that he was willing to meet with Boehner to discuss his questions and concerns about the legislation.


By staff

Washington, DC – On May 1, Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Dean Heller (R-NV), the authors of the Senate bill to extend unemployment benefits to the to the long-term jobless, told the House leadership to allow a vote on proposed extension.


By staff

Washington, D.C. – House Republican leadership is still blocking legislation to restore Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC).


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

May Day is International Workers’ Day, a day to uphold workers’ struggle around the world. Workers will take to the streets in most of the major cities of the world, holding high their union banners and red flags. Workers will march and protest, listen to rousing speeches and appreciate the past sacrifice of labor militants. Freedom Road Socialist Organization encourages comrades, fellow activists and friends to get out and march, host forums on workers and socialism and show your solidarity with those fighting to end exploitation and oppression!


By staff

Washington, DC – Legislation to restore unemployment benefits to the long-term unemployed is being blocked by House Republicans. The Senate passed a bill to reinstate jobless benefits April 7, but passage in the House is required to bring back extended unemployment insurance.


By staff

Washington, DC – Legislation to extend unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless passed the Senate, April 7. Nearly 3 million workers have gone without unemployment insurance since Congress failed to extend benefits last December.


By staff

_Socialists demand Congress act now to restore long-term jobless benefits _

Washington, DC – A vote is expected on legislation to restore Extended Unemployment Compensation this Monday, April 7. The bill, which calls for Congress to bring back unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless, has faced repeated delays from Senate Republicans, but is expected to pass.


By staff

Washington, DC – In a press statement, March 31, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said, “Notwithstanding this opposition to extending unemployment benefits I am confident we will pass this bipartisan legislation here in the Senate this week. Once passed, the matter is then in the hands of the Republicans who control the House of Representatives.”


By staff

Washington, DC – The Senate cleared the way for a vote on legislation to restore benefits to the long term jobless, March 27. In a 65 to 34 vote, the Senate cleared the procedural hurdles necessary for a debate and vote on a measure to bring back Extended Unemployment Compensation.


By staff

Washington, DC – House Speaker John Boehner came out today, March 19, against the Senate measure to restore unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless. In a statement issued by his press office, Boehner stated he was “open” to an unemployment insurance extension, but that it must be “fiscally-responsible” and help “to create more private-sector jobs.” He then stated, “There is no evidence that the bill being rammed through the Senate by Leader Reid meets that test.”

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