Washington DC – A deal was reached between Senate Democrats and Republicans, March 13, to restore benefits for the long-term unemployed. A group of 10 Senators – five Republicans and five Democrats – are sponsoring legislation to restore the cuts to emergency unemployment insurance. The accord would extend long-term unemployment benefits for five months and would be retroactive until the end of December 2013. A vote is expected soon.
Washington, DC – In a surprise move, Representative Brad Schneider (D-IL) announced here today, March 11, that he would undertake a rarely used procedure in an attempt to force a House vote on Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC). According to a press statement, Schneider will file a discharge petition on March 12, which would force a vote on benefits for the long-term jobless if a majority of House members sign it.
Washington D.C. – Senate Majority leader Harry Reid announced this evening, March 4, that he had filed a bill to renew Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC). In a twitter message he stated that, “We'll vote on it in the next few days.”
Washington D.C. – Congress has failed the unemployed, by going into recess without passing legislation to extend unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless. Senate majority leader Harry Reid tweeted, Feb. 12, that the issue would be “revisited” when the Senate goes back into session Feb.25.
Jobless hit by end to Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC)
San José, CA – For the second month in a row, the Department of Labor employment report was weak, with only 113,000 new jobs created in January. Combined with the revised 75,000 jobs created in December, the two month average was only 94,000 new jobs each month, less than half the average increase in 2013 of more than 190,000. While the recession officially ended in the summer of 2009, there are still 850,000 fewer jobs than when the recession began in December of 2007.
Washington, D.C. – The Senate failed to pass measures to restore Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC) for long-term jobless workers. With a 42 to 55 vote, Republicans blocked moving ahead on extending benefits for the unemployed.
Washington, DC – The Senate Democratic leadership announced today, Feb. 4, that a vote to extend benefits for long term unemployed workers is scheduled for Feb. 6.
Washington, DC – According to widespread reports here, Feb. 2, the Senate is close to an agreement that would allow a vote on Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC) the week starting Feb. 3.
Washington, DC – Another day has passed without the Senate taking action on Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits. While Senators met Jan. 24, no agreements were reached on legislation to address the situation of the 1.3 million workers who have been cut off from benefits for the long term unemployed.
Washington, DC – In a 60-37 vote, the Senate passed a procedural measure Jan. 7 that allows a bill to restore Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits to move forward.
San José, CA – The Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program, which provides federal aid to jobless workers whose state Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits have run out will expire at the end of 2013. This will cut off 1.3 million unemployed people immediately. Another 800,000 jobless workers who would have qualified for EUC won’t be able to extend their benefits in the first three months of 2014.
San José, CA – Early New Year’s Day, the U.S. Senate voted 89-8 to pass a compromise bill to put off the so-called ‘fiscal cliff.’ The bill now goes to the House of Representatives, where Republicans are likely to try to get even more tax breaks for the rich.
Millions of people are out of work. Those who are laid off are being foreclosed out of their homes, losing health care, and finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. Youth unemployment is particularly high. Even recent college graduates are forced to live in their parents’ homes. Many are unable to make payments on their college loan debt. Being laid off and unable to find work, millions of immigrants, both documented and undocumented, are forced to leave after years of working in the U.S.