Senate vote to extend on Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC) set for Feb. 6
Washington, DC – The Senate Democratic leadership announced today, Feb. 4, that a vote to extend benefits for long term unemployed workers is scheduled for Feb. 6.
The vote will be on a three-month extension of Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC). The measure has the support of a few Republican senators. 60 votes are needed to overcome a Republican filibuster.
In December 2013, Democrats did not force Republicans to accept extended jobless benefits as a part of the budget deal, setting in motion the uphill fight to restore unemployment compensation for those who have been without work for more than six months.
To date, about 1.7 million workers have been affected by the cut to unemployment benefits.
The long-running economic crisis, which started at the end of 2007, impacted the major capitalist countries and changed their economic landscapes. The outcome has been high unemployment rates, a net decline in the number of good paying jobs – especially in manufacturing – and more workers in part-time employment.
In the U.S. both major political parties have been part of a consensus to cut the social safety net.
#WashingtonDC #unemploymentInsurance #Capitalism #ExtendedUnemploymentCompensation #workersRights
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